To have overall responsibility for the development, implementation and evaluation of the THEO participatory action research study at ward level. To promote continuous development of clinical practice and effective team working in delivery of patient care, encouraging innovation, improvement and appropriate changes in service delivery, using facilitated practice development approaches. To influence effective team working across the multidisciplinary team to enhance and enable high level support to clinical support and expertise as part of person-centred patient care approaches. To capture evidence of barriers and enablers for wards based improvements, that promote delivery of high standards of person centred, safe and effective, evidence-based nursing care. To review nursing practice in collaboration with the existing team, and support implementation of appropriate changes based on research / best practice. To lead on profession specific issues and contribute strategically in collaboration with the existing ward team to service development and data/evidence collection. To provide strategies for achieving a suitable and stimulating learning environment for students and colleagues, for the ongoing professional development of all. To maintain communication networks at all appropriate clinical and managerial levels., To work with all health care professionals, and statutory/non statutory agencies to provide a seamless, integrated service to patients.