* To provide support to the Labour Group enabling its effective contribution to the work of the administration and Council, providing policy, communications and administrative support, and acting as a link between the Leader of the Council, Cabinet and wider Group.
* To support Group meetings through working with the Leader and Cabinet members on their reports to Group and preparing for Group discussions, including producing briefings, and liaising with the Group Chair and Secretary on the agenda, distribution of papers and organisation of meetings.
* To support Group in preparing for Council meetings, including preparing motions, amendments, questions, coordinating speakers, providing briefing, research and information, and liaising with the Chief Whip on Group attendance.
* To develop effective working relationships with the Council’s Corporate Management Team and officers at all levels in order to stay abreast of developing policy, in order to best support the Leader and Cabinet members in undertaking their roles, and to enable Group to make an effective contribution to the work of the administration, working closely with the Cabinet Support Officers.
* To support the Leader, Cabinet and Group members through preparing high-quality policy briefings, research and information, and by carrying out specific projects.
* To support the Leader, Cabinet and Group in developing effective communications, narrative and messaging around the priorities and progress of the administration, including drafting speeches, articles, press notices, social media content and newsletters, liaising closely with the Council’s Communications Team.
* To ensure Group members are kept up-to-date with local, national and London-wide issues, policy and legislation and how they affect Merton.
* To support the Leader, Cabinet members and Group in liaison with key local external stakeholders, and wider community engagement, including organising community meetings and visits, and disseminating information.
* To support the ongoing training and development of Group through organising training sessions, discussions, events and awaydays.
* To provide administrative support to the Group as required, and to support with administrative and office functions to support the effective running of the Leader’s Office, including providing cover for essential functions when required.