Contribute to the development of policies / protocols / guidelines within the practice Provide advice on lifestyle issues, assist and support patients in changing their unhealthy behaviours, and refer appropriately Ensure that current evidence-based approaches to patients care are standard practice Advise members of the public on the concepts of health promotion, education, prevention, and protection Take responsibility for personal development and education Monitor and maintain consistency of professional standards and rake appropriate action if those standards are not met Maintain professional development by attending relevant courses and study days to keep abreast of current knowledge and developments Contribute to and work effectively within the Primary Care team Assist in clinical audit and the setting and monitoring of standards of care Maintain accurate patient records You are responsible for limiting your actions to those which you feel competent to undertake. If you have any doubts about your competence during the course of your duties, you should immediately speak to the Nurse Manager in the first instance. Risk Management It is a standard element of the role and responsibility of all staff of Alma Medical Centre that they fulfil a proactive role towards the management of risk in all of their actions. This entails the risk assessment of all situations, the taking of appropriate actions, and reporting of all incidents, near misses and hazards. Records Management As an employee of Alma Medical Centre, you are legally responsible for all records that you gather, create, or use as part of your work within the Organisation (including patient health, financial, personal, and administrative), whether paper based or on computer. All such records are considered public records and you have a legal duty of confidence to service users. You should consult the Practice Manager if you have any doubt as to the correct management of records with which you work. Health and Safety Requirements All employees of Alma Medical Centre have a statutory duty of care for their own personal safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees are required to co-operate with management to enable the practice to meet its own legal duties and to report any hazardous situations or defective equipment. Flexibility Statement The content of this Job Description represents an outline of the post only and is therefore not a precise catalogue of duties and responsibilities. The Job Description is therefore intended to be flexible and is subject to review and amendment in the light of changing circumstances, following consultation with the post holder. Confidentiality All employees of Alma Medical Centre are required to maintain the confidentiality of members of the public and members of staff in accordance with Alma Medical Centre Policies.