Enhance pupil outcomes further to move towards pupil attainment being average+ across all our Trust schools in mathematics.
Lead our networks across our Trust to promote the sharing of best practice and professional development.
Prepare and implement an annual schedule of professional development to be used in all schools within our Trust.
Support subject leaders with the necessary expertise to secure strong teaching and learning and high attainment in the subject area.
Support subject leaders to monitor and evaluate the quality of the curriculum, taking action to strengthen both the curriculum and teaching community through a continuous cycle of evidence- based improvement.
Lead on joint approaches to assessment and/or moderation across our Trust.
Maintain an up-to-date understanding of best practice, debate and research on curriculum design, curriculum leadership, and teacher development within the subject.
Cultivate strong relationships with education associations and learned societies, universities, and other bodies on behalf of the subject community.
Maintain appropriate records of work undertaken and report orally and in writing in a manner which ensures high levels of accountability.
Liaise with senior leaders and our Trust’s School Improvement Team to advise on all matters relating to the quality of teaching and learning and achievement within math.
Liaise with other members of our Trust’s School Improvement Team to secure best practice and consistency in approaches to collaboration and curriculum development.
Contribute to the wider development of our Trust’s curriculum collaboration and CPD across schools.
Support all aspects of our Trust, commensurate with the position of Director of Mathematics.