Provide administrative assistance to healthcare team members, ensuring that practice records are accurately maintained and kept up to date. Perform general administrative tasks such as opening, distributing, scanning, and matching both electronic and paper mail to patient records. File both electronic and paper records in an organized and accessible manner. Clinical coding of correspondence is a significant part of the role, ensuring accurate coding of clinical information from various documents and correspondence. Generate and monitor referrals via the ERS (Electronic Referral Service) system, ensuring timely and accurate processing. Liaise with hospitals to follow up on queries and any other necessary communications. Process patient registrations for new patients and ensure deductions for those leaving the practice are completed. Produce and send letters and electronic correspondence to patients as needed. Prepare and generate reports, including Subject Access Requests (SAR), in compliance with GDPR regulations. Review patient correspondence, identify relevant clinical information, and ensure appropriate coding of clinical data in patient records as per practice protocols. Address queries related to coding and assist with coding-related tasks. Utilise IT systems to maintain, update, and monitor patient records effectively. Manage the incoming and outgoing private work flow, including the preparation and issuing of invoices.