CSWIP 3.1 “WELDING INSPECTOR” Or 3.2 “SENIOR WELDING INSPECTOR” will be better, PCN NDT qualifications required (PT,MT,UT..)
General knowledge on the following activities,
* Pipework
* Tank/vessel
* Steelwork
* heat exchangers
* QA/QC experience
* Punchlist checks
Knowledge and experience with computer software such as Outlook/Excel/SharePoint/teams and PowerPoint etc required.
Ideal candidate will be looking for a hands-off role, this position is to observe, capture and report only.
The role is 75% site and 25% office based. you will have to record and report findings to Construction and Quality, this will usually involve records and information to be recorded, saved and distributed accordingly.
Managing the outcomes of the surveillance undertaken which will involve attending some meetings and being challenging the contractors but also being challenged themselves.
Confident communication skills essential.
Certain documentation checks or reviews will be undertaken so knowledge of some specifications will be essential. (BTS, BST, ISO9001) GQAS and other specs to be understood.
Knowledge of current process such as NCRs/ITPs etc an advantage.
Must be a team member, the team is transverse across the project and all scopes are shared including members of quality, construction and other surveillance teams