Job responsibilities The post-holder will provide joint medical leadership to the Eating Disorders Pathway, working closely with the Team Leader, Consultant Psychiatrist Consultant Paediatrician, MDT, Team Manager and Service Manager to develop the pathway. The main base to be negotiated. The post-holder will provide a Consultant Psychiatrist level assessment and treatment for the children, young people and families referred to the Eating Disorder Pathway The clinical workload will be as per the Choice and Partnership model with a full time practitioner assessing approximately 40 new cases per annum. The Consultant will have consultant level responsibility for all the children and young people in the pathway with a direct caseload of 20-30 patients and 8-10 follow-up appointments per week. The pathway has been commissioned to assess and treat 200 children and young people per year, with referral to treatment times being between one and four weeks depending on severity. Not all children and young people need to see a psychiatrist many receive care from other members of the multi-disciplinary team. Attend and help shape the team ensuring that good governance processes are developed and adhered to. Including participation in audit. Training of Core, Specialty and GP trainees including as their Consultant Supervisor. The South CAMH team is a placement for CPFTs Core Training scheme and Specialty Trainees in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry who are on the East of England Higher Training Scheme. We now also train GPs in Secondary Care, so there will the expectation for the post-holder to train a GP trainee in Secondary Care if the opportunity arises. Contribute to the daytime Duty Consultant rota. Together with consultant colleagues, ensure Consultant cover is available as needed to back up the Duty Practitioner. Participate in the Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist out of hours on-call rota (. Currently 1 in 7/8 pro rata and paid at 5%. Providing Consultant Child Psychiatry, non-residential, on call advice/supervision to doctors in training grades and duty CAMH practitioners. This is a Trust-wide rota covering all of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, the three Tier 4 units and the three acute hospitals. Advice may need to be provided to the 24/7 nurse led all age telephone crisis service and 9-9pm CAMHS crisis service. There is an expectation that phone calls will be responded to promptly and that on occasion consultants may be required to attend a hospital site to assess patients. Contribute to the teaching of Specialty Trainees as part of their post-graduate education programme and provide occasional lectures for the wider childrens workforce through the Learning and Development team Contribute to the training of medical students on placements at the clinic Contribute to the training and post qualifying education of nursing and other multi-disciplinary colleagues. Provide teaching on Eating Disorders to School Nurses, acute hospital staff, GPs and CAMH practitioners. Provide regular refresher training and supervision to CAMH practitioners to ensure that they have the skills to assess and advise children and young people and their families when they present in emergency. Comply with the outline Consultant work programme - see indicative timetable appended. Maintain high quality clinical records and otherwise participate in the administrative duties associated with patient care and the running of the service. Engage in regular peer supervision of clinical work. Collaborate with medical colleagues to maintain the service in the absence of departmental colleagues due to annual leave, study leave and short-term sickness.