Job summary
Welcome to FCMS! We are looking for someone to work within the new Virtual Care Business, using experience and knowledge of service delivery. Alongside the Operational Specialists, you will be responsible for the smooth running of our services on shift basis, with visible management and leadership of service delivery teams.
Main duties of the job
The CAT Shift Lead will beresponsible for supporting the Virtual CAT (Clinical Assessment TreatmentService, supported by clinicians based in each of the urgent care localities. You will be providing direct supervision to employees andclinicians on shift to ensure the service operates correctly.
With the focus being day-to-day service provision, you willensure that the CAS/Triage Virtual Triage Hub is able to meet the demands ofKPIs and Quality, the volatile unpredictable nature of Urgent and EmergencyCare (capacity & demand management) and the expectations of patients.
About us
The ethos of FCMS as a social enterprise, health andwellbeing services provider is to be passionate in its drive to ensure thatpatients and callers remain the central focus of all that it does. Coupled withexcellent and well-established clinical governance systems and extremelyeffective operational expertise, it has meant that the company has the abilityto strategically visualise, develop, and implement award winning services.
Over many years we have invested in our staff so that we havea core team of highly trained individuals who can manage the needs of ourpatients and callers. Our staff are able to significantly improve the servicedelivery and user experience due to their considerable experience andcommitment to what they do.
Job description
Job responsibilities
To providecompassionate, effective, visible and virtual management and leadership to theCATS team.
To ensure good peoplemanagement practices, ensuring that effective & supported teamworking isfelt across the CAS. Fostering and maintaining a positive work environment
To role model alearning and coaching culture based on openness, learning and continuousimprovement that supports continuing personal development.
To encourage staffmembers to take personal responsibility and ensure they have the necessaryautonomy to deliver excellent healthcare services in a busy high-pressureenvironment.
To be responsible forthe smooth running of our services on a shift basis. Proactively managing theclinical queue effectively, whilst having oversight of the activity at eachsite to work collaboratively with place-based staff to effectively manage patientflow.
To support the CATSteam with knowledge and expertise of software, systems and equipment use.
To work closely withthe clinicians to ensure that patient journeys are quick and effective.
To work with themanagement to ensure that the CAS meets (as a minimum) national standards,contractual obligations and KPIs, and where this is not achieved plans arecreated, actioned, and monitored to ensure compliance.
To work alongside theCATS Management and Place Based Care colleagues to ensure that wherecommissioned services span both business units, that delivery is seamless andsupportive of each other, and patient journeys are safe, quick and costeffective.
Cover for staff absences the on the day that affectcapacity as well as clinical sickness are managed in real time to minimiseimpact on service delivery.
To continually assessour service processes, policies, and procedures to ensure that improvements orefficiencies are continually identified, and changes are made to improveservice delivery or organisational performance where appropriate.
To work with CATSOperational Manager and CAS staff so that we can evidence the positive impact,clinical and non-clinical of the work we do.
To contributeoperational expertise and service knowledge to the development oforganisational transformation.
To work with the widerorganisation to continually develop our service offer; ensuring patientjourneys are continually enhanced, operational efficiencies gained, or clinicalquality is improved through technological, operational, or human improvement.
To work with the widerorganisation to implement new technologies or processes, supporting the rollout and mobilisation phase of projects or new business opportunities and indoing so, support a smooth transition to business as usual.
To ensure goodcommunication and coordination with wider health and social care communities,including (but not exclusive) ICB, NWAS, YAS, UCR teams, EDs, SDEC, tertiarycentres, PCNs etc, supporting our reputation as a reliable deliverer of care.
To support thetraining of new staff and ongoing personal development.
To have the ability toflex with an emergent corporate strategy that will constantly be influenced byexternal factors and political changes.
The above list of duties andresponsibilities is not intended to be fully comprehensive and may be amendedto take account of changing circumstances or requirements followingconsultation with the post holder.
EducationAnd in Service Training
Be fully conversant in allthe clinical computer systems used within FCMS
Attend relevantstudy/induction days, seminars, courses etc, for individual development and forthe benefit of the service.
Where necessary relevant trainingin the operation of new or unfamiliar equipment, software or procedures will beprovided or arranged.
In the course of your duties, youmay have access to confidential information about patients, staff or healthservice business. On no account mustsuch information be divulged to anyone who is not authorised to receiveit. Confidentiality of information mustbe preserved at all times whether at or away from work. FCMS has in place a Whistle-blowers Policyfor staff wishing to express concerns.
DataProtection Act, 2018
Carry out any requirements withinthe duties applicable to the Data Protection Act, 2018.
HealthAnd Safety At Work Act, 1974
Observe all responsibilities andcarry out all duties, whether general to all employees or specific to the post,relating to Health and Safety in accordance with the Practice and DepartmentalSafety Policies and any statutory requirements.
Clinical& Corporate Governance/Quality Assurance
All employees are expected tocomply with the clinical and corporate governance arrangements of FCMS. Everyemployee is personally responsible for the quality of the work, and standard ofcare, which they individually provide.It is their duty to seek to attain the highest standards achievable bothindividually and collectively within their knowledge, skills and resourcesavailable to them.
OutsideEmployment/Outside Interests
If you have other work or outsideinterests, this must not conflict with your duties and responsibilities of yourattendance for work as an employee of the Practice.
WorkingTime Directive
You are required to comply withthe regulations governing working time and to any locally agreed associatedarrangements.
HarassmentAnd Bullying
The Practice condemns all formsof harassment and bullying and is actively seeking to promote a workplace whereemployees are treated with dignity, respect and without bias.
In all the foregoing text anyreference to one gender whether direct or implied equally includes the oppositegender unless specifically stated to be otherwise.
Each member of the staff has astatutory obligation to attend a Fire Lecture each year. It is the responsibility of each member ofstaff to ensure that they comply with this legal requirement.
NoSmoking Policy
FCMS has a no smoking policy
Disability Confident Employer - As users of the disability confident scheme, weguarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteriafor the vacancy
The organisation is committed tosafeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerableadults and expects all staff to share this commitment. You will be expected tofulfil your mandatory safeguarding training at the level applicable to thisrole.
Disclosure/CriminalRecord (DBS)
This post issubject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exemption Order) 1975 and assuch it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the