O ensure the maintenance of high-quality patient focussed, family centred care at all times through effective leadership, and management of staff and resources and to be available for advice and support within the speciality. To demonstrate strong clinical leadership in stressful and challenging situations. To promote a positive approach to new challenges and creative ways of working. To act as advocate for designated area and liaise with all members of the multi-disciplinary team to co-ordinate all aspects of care in the best interests of the patient and family. To ensure effective training and educational programmes are available by consulting with appropriate personnel to meet the training and educational needs of nurses in the clinical area. This post carries continuing responsibility for the management of the countywide Children's Outpatient Department, including the deployment and supervision of staff. The post holder carries 24 hour continuing responsibility for the co-ordination and monitoring of all clinical activities within their designated clinical area including deployment and supervision of staff. Accept personal responsibility and accountability for infection prevention and control practice. Ensure that you are familiar with, and comply with, all relevant policies. Ensure that you receive mandatory updates in infection control. The post holder will work in close liaison with other children's areas department managers and deputise for the Modern Matron for Children and young People and take responsibility for clinical and managerial decisions in her absence. Key Duties Leadership and Management Be a visible, accessible, and assertive leader that children and young people, their families and staff can refer to for assistance and support. Be responsible for the management of the area, leading, motivating, supervising, and directing staff to ensure that time and resources are managed through good teamwork. Ensure bed / trolley spaces are managed effectively in liaison with other Children's areas by using agreed operational and escalation policies. Work with all members of the multi professional team to develop services to ensure that all aspects of clinical care are effective and of high quality, encouraging the development of knowledge, ideas, and work practice. Take measures to ensure the safety of patients, which always includes delegation of patient care to nurses with the appropriate levels of skills. Report any untoward incidents/accidents to Matron/Divisional Director of Nursing/Directorate Manager. Participate in and promote cross site working of staff teams, ensuring that staff have a clear understanding of expectations and responsibilities throughout their shift pattern. Ensure that e-roster for PAU is completed in line with Trust Protocols. Contribute to staff establishment and skill mix reviews. Take responsibility for implementing Trust Policies and assist in the development and review of clinical policies and procedures. Be responsible for ensuring that the area is compliant with infection control procedures, adheres to cleaning standards and the estate is well maintained. To take delegated responsibility for ward budget and be an authorised signatory for stock orders, staff time sheets and expenses. Maintain accurate records relating to all aspects of Department management. Participate in a rota of cover in the absence of Matron Communication Maintain an effective communication network with all multi-professionals, facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to benefit the children, young people, and their families. Act as advocate for the child / young person and family enabling them to express their needs effectively when dealing with the multidisciplinary team and communicating back to the family. Demonstrate sensitivity in dealing with complex and confidential information from patients, families, and colleagues, giving advice and support when necessary. Respond appropriately to the information given. Ensure that all team members report changes in patient progress effectively. Ensure that patient records are accurate, legible, and holistic and are recorded in line with NMC guidelines. Actively support staffs mental health and well-being particularly when working in distressing or stressful situations. Respond sensitively to ineffective communications from staff members Ensure that junior and senior staff receive timely information using multiple resources about decisions affecting their practice. Assist PALS staff in helping to resolve the concerns of patients and their families as quickly as possible. Clinical Governance Support effective governance by disseminating good practice and promoting clinical audit and use of evidence based multi-professional standards. Complete risk assessments: CYP, environmental, staff, health, and safety, COSSH etc. Participate in all aspects of Clinical Governance and Risk Management including participating in the development and implementation of audit and guidelines. Participate promptly and effectively with the investigation of complaints and incidents in line with Trust policy and procedures. Implement actions and change in practice where needed. Facilitate research-based practice within your area of responsibility and ensure appropriate implementation. Ensure that nursing procedures are implemented and maintained in accordance with the Policies of the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. Ensure good standards of practice in all clinical areas through effective quality assurance measures such as clinical audit programmes. Ensure all staff are conversant and comply with Trust Policies and regulations, and attend compulsory lectures as instructed. Establish systems to enable and utilise service user feedback to help shape development of the service. Monitor performance of your area within the Children's Directorate, ensuring gaps are identified and action planned. Monitor the safe and effective use of all equipment and the economic use of supplies, ordering replacement equipment together with maintenance of that equipment. Education and training In collaboration with the matron and nurse educator facilitate processes to enable all staff to reach their full potential by enabling them to develop professional, clinical, managerial and communication skills identified through professional development review (PDR) process and personal development plans (PDP) and the revalidation process. Ensure all team members attend Mandatory Training sessions. To plan and participate in the teaching programmes of learners in accordance with their objectives, working closely with the University. To develop the role of nursing within PAU and undertake training and assessment to extend clinical skills as appropriate to the area To identify areas for development of skills in accordance with the NMC guidelines. Develop knowledge and practice in an area of work. Human resources Participate in the selection, interviewing and induction of new members of staff. Be involved in manpower requirements in line with identified service developments. Take responsibility for performance management, sickness / absence and first stage formal disciplinary matters. counsel staff in relation to professional and personal matters. Inform Matron of all hazards/unsafe practices and ensure all accidents/untoward incidents are reported in accordance with Trust policy Professional Maintain a professional, constructive attitude at all times, developing the role of the nurse in the best interest of the patient and professional in accordance with the NMC Code. Promote a positive attitude for the profession and the Trust within which you are working. Be aware of personal and professional development. Attend courses and conferences as appropriate to the service and individual development. Be conversant and comply with Trust Policies and regulations, and attend compulsory lectures as instructed. Adhere to Trust uniform policy.