A vacancy has arisen for three Trust Doctor (ST1 equivalent) posts in Paediatrics and Neonates based at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust at Worthing Hospital.
Two posts are of 6 months duration to cover deanery vacancies. One of these posts is based in acute general paediatrics. The other post is based in community paediatrics during the normal working day with on calls worked within acute paediatrics at Worthing hospital.
The third post is of 4 months duration to cover a GP training vacancy in acute paediatrics.
All three posts cover on calls on the same rota and have the same on call frequency (see provisional timetable for on call commitments).
These roles include day to day care of patients in all Paediatric areas including the acute inpatient general paediatric ward, Children's and Young Persons day Unit, Level 1 neonatal unit, postnatal ward, delivery suite and General and Specialty paediatric outpatient clinics. This provides the ideal grounding in Paediatrics for those considering future application to Paediatric specialty training or for those considering applications to other Paediatric specialties or Primary Care.
Main Duties Of Post Include:
1. Care of General Paediatric and Neonatal patients under consultant and middle grade supervision.
2. Attendance at Paediatric and Neonatal emergencies as required.
3. Care of Paediatric Outpatients under consultant and middle grade supervision.
4. Care of child assessment unit and rapid referral patients.
5. Engagement in Continuing Professional Development and audit as appropriate.
6. Engagement with the Trust's appraisal and revalidation process.
The post holder is expected to attend specialist clinics for educational purposes and to develop their own individual specialist skills to further develop their professional skills. The Department has strong sub-specialist interests and regular paediatric local subspecialty and visiting tertiary clinics are held in Worthing.
There is a strong emphasis in the department on training and the post-holder will be expected to develop skills in teaching through participation in the educational programme. There are also opportunities to become involved in the locally run Paediatric Life Support Training Days and other activities.
So far as is consistent with the proper discharge of duties the post holder undertakes to deputise from time to time for absent colleagues. The post holder undertakes, exceptionally, to be available for such irregular commitments outside normal rostered duties as are essential for continuity of patient care.
The post holder accepts that they will also perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate consultant, in consultation, where practicable, with their colleagues, both senior and junior. While it has been agreed between the professions that they will perform such duties, the Secretary of State stresses that additional commitments arising under this sub-section are exceptions and you should not be required to undertake work of this kind for prolonged periods or on a regular basis.
For further details / informal visits contact:
Name: Veronica Clarke
Job title: Consultant Paediatrician
Email address: victoria.clarke21@nhs.net
Telephone number: 01903 205111
Dr Yvonne Leggett
Consultant Paediatrician
Email: Yvonne.leggett1@nhs.net