Team Leader & Support Worker for young adult F/T @ £16/hr in Leeds - Leeds - LS16
Job Description
You will be expected to assist our client in all aspects of daily living, therefore enabling him to pursue a fulfilling and structured lifestyle by managing the Support Team. You will also be required to support some of the general running of the household.
Key Support Tasks
1. To support the client in his everyday life.
2. To ensure privacy and dignity is always maintained.
3. To undertake other tasks relating to the care and welfare of the client as necessary and appropriate.
4. To work effectively to manage the team and yourself including ensuring rotas are up to date and shifts are covered.
5. To ensure all care plans are kept up to date.
6. To monitor, review and manage health needs alongside the nurse.
7. To work with other professionals involved in the care and support by regular monitoring and reviewing.
8. To ensure appointments are managed and supported appropriately.
9. To support staff in training as relevant and necessary to manage the client's needs effectively.
10. To undergo training and instruction as appropriate and as agreed with the case manager.
11. To keep appropriate notes on activities carried out with the client.
12. To keep own record of hours worked.
13. To attend supervision, as required.
14. To keep in contact with parent/case manager.
Main Responsibilities to the client
1. To be aware of the emotional, cognitive and behavioural difficulties this client has as a result of his injuries.
2. To implement care plans to assist our client to maintain a high quality of life, some as directed by individual therapists.
3. To provide encouragement, reassurance and guidance appropriately.
4. Supporting our client to help him access, participate and enjoy home, and leisure activities.
5. To assist our client with identifying a range of suitable activities with support from the case manager and therapists.
6. To undertake on behalf of the client domestic tasks. These may include tidying, laundry, meal preparation, shopping and household administration.
7. To assist on holidays or breaks away, as appropriate.
8. To drive our client as required/as requested by client.
9. To assist our client in carrying out any exercise regimes and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
10. To assist our client to maintain a healthy sleep routine.
11. To communicate effectively with the case manager and ensure that she is sufficiently updated.
12. To be an appropriate role model for other staff.
13. To follow policies and procedures.
Management Responsibilities
Rota and Cover
1. Responsibility for cover arrangements, including shift changes.
2. To process annual leave requests, to ensure that procedures have been maintained, to submit these leave requests to HR and payroll.
3. Authorizing the support workers' time sheets and authorizing any overtime worked.
4. Monitoring annual leave and sickness and planning for staff absences.
5. Ensuring the rota covers all aspects to allow for the proper care of the client.
6. Ensuring safeguarding at all times.
1. Arrangement of regular supervision in agreement with the case manager and documentation of supervision with all team members. Face to face supervision should take place on a regular basis at a mutually agreed venue and should be guided by the individual staff members' need for support and availability.
2. Update the Parent / Case Manager in discussions on any performance issues regarding team members. To agree strategies to improve performance with the Case manager, HR or the Deputy.
3. Update the case manager in planned monthly discussions on any welfare concerns regarding team members. To agree appropriate methods of supporting staff and ensure that they feel valued.
4. To complete probation reviews where required.
5. To complete return to work interviews following staff sick leave.
6. To complete induction for all new staff members and arrange training shifts. To assess the ability of new staff to perform their support role and feedback to the Deputy and family.
7. To monitor and report any concerns about staff members being treated fairly and in line with employment regulations to HR or the Deputy.
8. To complete case notes and keep these safe.
9. Ensure copies of all records relating to personnel management are copied to HR.
10. Maintaining a channel of communication between the client, support worker and HR / Deputy regarding management of staff members.
1. To maintain effective systems of communication with support workers and client. To monitor the effectiveness of communication systems and inform the case manager of any concerns.
2. Ensure that staff are completing case notes and handing over information.
3. Arrange and attend team meetings periodically with and support worker and HR.
4. Cascade information to the support worker to ensure consistency of care.
5. Ensure that all support workers are aware of any changes to care plans or procedures.
6. To report any changes in HS’s condition to the case manager and Parent/Deputy.
7. To be aware of any safeguarding concerns and report them accordingly.
8. To maintain good communication with the case manager, Parents / Deputy / HR / Payroll.
9. To ensure that support workers' case notes are appropriately and reliably completed, scanned and saved.
10. Report any concerns that the support worker has to the case manager / Parent.
11. Maintain written notes on any contact with the support worker including phone calls and emails.
12. Clinically responsible and accountable to the case manager / Parent.
1. To arrange and conduct regular reviews with the support workers.
2. Maintain up to date Personal Training Records for the support workers.
3. To ensure that copies of the training certificates provided are retained by staff members and on HR records.
4. Arrange routine training as required and inform HR for record purposes.
5. To arrange training dates with training providers and staff members.
6. To update the Case Manager on the effectiveness of the training in meeting staffs training needs.
Working File
1. Responsible for reviewing and maintaining the working file (care plans, risk assessments, guidelines and procedures) to the required standard.
2. To monitor support worker’s performance regarding delivery of care and procedures. To report any perceived problems and training needs to the Deputy or Parent.
3. To be proactive in identifying potential changes to our clients’ care needs or the needs of the support worker in care delivery and communicate these to the Deputy / Parent.
Regular supervision, support and guidance will be provided for the role.
Person Specification
1. Experience in caring for clients with neurological conditions.
2. Experience of Leading and Managing a staff team.
3. Confident in making decisions.
4. Confident about working in client’s own home and sensitive to the needs and wishes of our client and his family.
5. Ability to work as part of a team.
6. Excellent communication skills.
7. Able to demonstrate an understanding of confidentiality and privacy.
8. Excellent understanding of appropriate boundaries.
9. Build an open and trusting relationship with our client.
10. Advocate for our client’s well being when it is appropriate to do so.
11. Assist with promoting an engaging environment during times at home and in the community.
12. Patient and tolerant.
13. A good sense of humour.
14. Responsible attitude.
15. Motivated with a positive attitude.
16. Reliable and trustworthy.
17. The ability to work flexibly and under own initiative.
18. Non smoker.