To provide assurance to the Trust regarding the management of Specialties outpatient referral to treatment (RTT) pathways to meet all relevant local and national targets. To be responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to achieve delivery of the Directorates patient access targets via the implementation of new processes and procedures and updating the Theatre Planning Assistant Service Manager/Deputy Operational Service Manager on at least a weekly basis. The post holder is responsible for the practical management of Inpatient waiting lists, working closely within the Directorate to ensure waiting list improvements and national targets are achieved. To present highly complex statistical information to staff to assist with ongoing service improvement. The post holder is responsible for supporting the Theatre Planning Assistant Service Manager and Deputy Operational Service Manager within the Directorate in the achievement of all elective access targets. The post holder will be responsible for training all staff in the rules and guidance for RTT delivery under the direction of the Theatre Planning Assistant Service Manager The post holder will provide support and line management to the Waiting List administration teams ensuring optimum utilisation of inpatient theatre capacity.