Project Engineer – Sunderland Location : Sunderland, UK (Hybrid Working Available )Industry Background : Construction / Mining / Nuclear / Rail / Refinery / Chemica l About the Ro leWe are seeking a n experienced Project Engine er to join a majo r COMAH infrastructure busine ss working o n critical UK energy projec ts, includin g CCS, Hydrogen, and alternative ener gy initiative s. Key Responsibilit ie s Project Deliv ery – Manage projec ts from initiation to complet i on. Cost Cont rol – Overs ee budgets, contracts, and spending approv a ls. Project Execut ion – Devel op Project Execution Plans (PE Ps) aligned with company procedur es. Contract Managem ent – Defi ne completion crite ria, crea te closure pl ans, and hand le contractual docume n ts. Risk & Quality Managem ent – Identify and mitiga te ri sks, mana ge non-conforman ces, and dri ve quality improveme n ts. Scheduling & Report ing – Tra ck progress, costs, cash f low, and genera te internal & external repo r ts. Stakeholder Coordinat ion – Atte nd client meeti ngs, le ad internal/external project meeti ngs, and mana ge contract scope chan g es. Project Clos ure – Asse ss costs, document lessons lear ned, and finali ze project closure activit i es. Minimum Requirem en ts HND or Degree in Enginee ri ng Project Management qualifica tion (PMI, APM, or simi lar) Strong background in Construction, Mining, Nuclear, Rail, Refinery, or Chemical indust ries