Role Description Tasks Initial Assessments Assessment, diagnosis, formulation of management plan, and sharing decision-making with patients and carers. Review and re assessments Flexible review and re-assessment of patients in response to need, and in accordance with the pathway. Meetings Communication about patients and carers, sharing organisational policies and objectives. Multidisciplinary reviews Care programme approach (CPA) reviews and risk reviews. Clinical advice to team Regular or ad hoc supervision on clinical matters. Liaison with colleagues. Discussion about patient care with primary care, secondary care and colleagues in other psychiatric teams. Section 12 Meeting the requirements of emergency work, MHA assessments, and assessments of capacity. Physical health monitoring Ensure monitoring for metabolic complications related to medication, Lithium monitoring, and adherence to the Clozapine protocols. Manage caseload Actively manage outpatient caseloads in accordance with pathway guidance and direction from clinical supervisor. Operate efficient and safe patient review services such as drop in clinics.