Job Description Purpose : The Senior Science Technician has an essential role in the successful working of the Science Curriculum Area. Acting as part of a team under the direction of the Science staff the technician is responsible for all of those ancillary services which supplement the actual teaching of science. The successful applicant will be required to carry out a variety of tasks. These tasks will be across all three science areas; Biology, Chemistry and Physics. A flexible approach to prioritising work as needs arise is essential. Some aspects of the work are more creative while others are more basic and all are vital to the good running of the Curriculum Area. Training for all aspects of the work will be provided as needed, including the use of any unfamiliar equipment. It is the responsibility of the Science Technician to carry out their duties in a safe and careful manner and to notify the Senior Leadership Team of any situation where the safety of any building users may be in doubt. Key Responsibilities To lead and manage the overall provision of technical support in science; manage the requisition system, including the annual timetable update for the new academic year and checking Health and Safety links to Cleapss on the templates. To liaise with teaching staff in the preparation of experiments/apparatus and the setting up/construction of same for use within the science curriculum, including data logging equipment when required. To ensure the correct and timely distribution of materials and science equipment between laboratories. To be responsible for all the Science Equipment, Chemicals and Stationery Stock orders and stock taking within the science laboratories and preparation rooms including responsibility for asset inventories as required. To prepare, assemble, maintain and safely store science apparatus and materials (in line with H&S) for use in the laboratories, including for examinations and assessments. To be responsible for the general management of Prep Rooms and to ensure the safe and tidy storage of all science equipment and materials, recognising and taking appropriate action when deterioration and defects in the equipment, materials and supply services are evident, including carrying out appropriate repairs. To liaise with the site/premises staff regarding repairs, maintenance and chemical waste disposal. To contribute to the update of and implementation of the school’s Health & Safety Policy; keeping in line with latest regulations and guidance. For example, maintenance of spills kits, ensuring that laboratories and preparation rooms are free of any spillage of chemicals, the cleaning of laboratory fittings, benches and equipment and the care of sinks. To undertake, in consultation with other appropriate staff, periodic health & safety reviews. To keep up-to-date and comply with the Health and Safety at Work requirements specifically relating to this post. To act as a First Aider and maintain training certification up-to-date To act as a Fire Warden for the second floor To collect learning materials and specimens for curriculum purposes. To care for live biological specimens for curriculum purposes. To assist in the planning and preparation of lessons and schemes of work, liaising with Science Teaching staff to facilitate this. To provide support for pupils and teachers in lessons as may be needed To be responsible for all the Science Equipment, Chemicals and Stationery Stock orders and stock taking within the science laboratories and preparation rooms including responsibility for asset inventories as required. To ensure the locking up of laboratories and stores and the safe storage of chemicals, resources and equipment. To support on Science Trips if required Updating and maintaining Curriculum Area budget spending spreadsheets To provide guidance to teaching, pupil teachers/PGCE students/GTPs/ECTs and support staff as may be needed. To be aware of recent scientific and educational developments and to contribute to the development of science education. To attend faculty meetings as and when required to deliver training (eg new practical equipment, Ionising Radiation Safety)/ updates with regard to Health and Safety. Also, to attend whole school training eg Safeguarding and complete other necessary training designated by the school. The appropriate disposal of out of date stock, Chemicals and/or equipment as and when required. Plan, organise and assist in the running extra-curricular enrichment activities Support the NHSB during Health and Safety audits by providing the required information