Are you passionate about helping Christians to grow as generous disciples of Christ? Working alongside the existing Stewardship Resourcing Officer, you will be part of a team working to help embed a culture of generosity across the diocese in response to the generosity and grace of God.
You will be focusing on the encouragement of planned giving, the continued introduction of contactless giving and the Parish Giving Scheme, supporting treasurers and contributing to materials to assist parishes in becoming Joyful Generous Stewards. Training will be tailored to your individual needs.
The Stewardship Resourcing Officer role is supported by funding from the National Church Institutions through the Giving Advisor Fund and Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment.
The Diocese of Blackburn has a clear Vision - “Vision 2026” - to see healthy churches that transform their communities. It lays out four ways in which this over-arching goal can be achieved: Making Disciples, Being Witnesses, Growing Leaders and Prioritising Children and Young People. All that we do as a diocese is focussed on the delivery of Vision 2026.
1. To make disciples we are raising levels of prayer, helping regular patterns of bible reading to be established and encouraging generous giving of time, talents and treasures.
2. To be witnesses, many parishes are setting up new local congregations at different times and in different places to reach out to new groups of people as well as showing God’s love in action through projects that meet a local human need.
3. New leaders are emerging as we seek to enable and equip those God is raising up in our midst for lay and ordained ministry.
4. Our focus on children and young people is enabling creative thinking to raise up a new generation for Jesus Christ.