Location: Cheadle, United Kingdom Thales people provide armed forces customers with operational advantage at every decisive moment throughout the mission. Defence and armed forces customers rely on us to deliver the full range of defence mission systems solutions at land, sea, and air. Our platforms extend across the battlespace including Above and Sonar, Electronic Combat, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems. Together we offer fantastic opportunities for committed employees to learn and develop their career with us. At Thales UK, we research, develop, and supply technology and services that impact the lives of millions of people each day to make life better, and keep us safer. We innovate across the major industries of Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space. Your health and well-being matters to us and that's why we offer you the flexibility to do what's important to you; whether that's part time hours, job sharing, home working, or the ability to flex your start and finish times. Where possible, we support a working pattern that suits your lifestyle and helps you reach your ambitions. Business Support Partner Cheadle The Business Support Partners (BSP) will provide highly proactive business s up p ort and are able to continually demonstrate effective partnering with members of the Leader s h i p T e a m fi rst line and peers across Thales UK. You will need e x ten siv e k n o wl edge o f the o rgan i s at i o n or can demonstrate an ability to grasp the business values and behaviours quickly. Networking with k ey per s o n nel ( i nternal a nd e x t e r na l ) a n d under s t and their Director's and o rgan i s at i on's a i m s and o b j e c t i v e s. The BSPs will be expected to work autonomously or as part of a team, making sound calculated decisions on behalf of their Directors. In addition to business acumen, it is expected BSPs act with discretion a nd c o n f i d e n t i a l l y at all times. Key tasks and responsibilities The BSP w i l l a c t as the i r Director ' s f i r s t po i nt o f c o n ta c t w i th internal and external stakeholders. K ey ta s k s i n cl ude: Full autonomy of the Director's diary to maximise the time focusing on the business priorities and to eliminate the waste. Co-ordination of the organisation and preparation of meetings across multiple time zones, ensuring all materials are provided. In some cases taking ownership of the meeting; producing agendas, reports, attending and participating in meetings and taking minutes or actions. Managing complex travel itineraries and visas where necessary, ensuring that best route and value is obtained and monitoring budgets where required. Ensuring that all documentation and the relevant security processes are completed prior to travel High level email management for self and Director. Influence, negotiate and manage conflicting demands in every aspect of the role Examples of Business support required across functions and programmes Marketing and events - organise, support and co-ordinate all aspects of internal and external events. Proficient in use of GCRM events management system for customer attendees. Communications - writing and proof-reading communications on behalf of the Director, co-ordinating site communications plans and work closely with internal and external communications managers. Create and publish documents on the intranet, such as organisation charts Supporting UK Lead and site initiatives - E.g. Deputy Travel Manager role, actively participating at Thales UK meetings and report updates and usage directly to Operations Director. Managing two-way communication with the Business Support Team and wider Community, to ensure that travel processes, procedures and costs are delivered successfully. Undertake and/or lead ad hoc projects as directed by the BSM or Leadership team Provide research where required, compiling reports, data and presentations to summarise findings Be competent in undertaking ad hoc requisitions and other system procedures identified, including digital collaboration tools. Create, manage and champion po l i c i es and pro c e s s es eg Smart Working. An ambassador for change, able to educate stakeholders as necessary. Provide cover for other Business Support Partners during absence Any other ad hoc tasks as directed by stakeholders and the BSM Skills and experience D e m o n s t ra t e s high level of bu si ne s s a w arene ss, excellent co mmun i c at i on s k i ll s ( v e rbal and w r i t ten) and ab i l i t y to i n t e r a c t ef f e c t iv e l y, c o u r t eou s l y and pr o f e s si ona l l y both w i t h i n i nternal and e x ternal c u s t o m e r c o m m u n i t i es A b l e t o p r i or i t i s e w o r k l oad and c o m p l ete w ork w i th i n agreed t i m e s c a l es to out s tand i ng qua l i t y requ i r i ng m i n i m al re w or k /no r e w or k. M u s t b e ab l e to w ork i n dependent l y as the Di re c t or w i l l o f ten be o u t o f the o f f ic e. S e l f - m o t iv a t ed a n d en t hu si a s t i c. A strong personality and credibility to act on behalf of the Directors / managers authority as required H a v e out s t and i ng o rgan i s at i on s k i ll s. A bil i ty to m eet s tr e t c h d e ad l i nes and d e m ands o f the te a m. T o be proa c t i v e i n f i n d i ng s o l u t i ons t o prob l e ms. Ability to 'think on feet' and make last minute decisions working within pressurised situations People management and leadership skills Ability to build relationships within the Business Support Community and actively promotes the value and positive perception of the team. A b l e t o deal w i t h peop l e at a l l l e v e l s o f t he o rgan is at i on but pred o m i nate l y e x per i en c e i n de a li ng w i t h s en i or bu s i n e s s l eaders and Director s. Experience in virtual and digital technology H and l es c on f i de n t i al and s en s i t iv e i n fo r m at i on i n a d isc r e te and c on t ro l l ed m anne r. A d v a n c ed s k ill s i n MS o f f ic e s o f t w are ( Ou t l oo k, W o r d, E xc el, Visio & P o w er P o i nt) E x c e l l ent s p o k e n a nd w r i t ten E ng l i s h. Effective personal organisation and an ability to remain composed and focused under pressure Minimum 3 years' experience as a PA to a Director or equivalent in a busy business environment. Knowledge and experience of supporting other business functions and understanding of how they integrate with each other. What We Can Offer We're committed to giving you opportunities to be your best. We believe in embracing the passion and potential of our people, and to achieve this we offer market leading training, development and experiences, along with the opportunity to be mentored and coached by some of the smartest minds in the industry. We hire from within as our first priority, so you'll have a myriad of opportunities within our diverse, global organisation. Flexibility Your health and well-being matters to us and that's why we offer you the flexibility to do what's important to you; whether that's part time hours, job sharing, home working, or the ability to flex your start and finish times. Where possible, we support a working pattern that suits your lifestyle and helps you reach your ambitions. This role will require SC Clearance. It would be advantageous if currently held, however, if not currently held, it is a requirement that the successful applicant will undergo, achieve, and maintain SC Clearance. Please visit the UKSV website for further guidance. To be eligible for full SC, you generally need to have resided in the UK for the last 5 years. In some circumstances, a minimum of 3 years' residence in the UK over the last 5 years may be accepted, with additional overseas checks. For further details of the evidence required to apply for Baseline and Security Clearance please refer to the National Security Vetting (NSV) Agency - United Kingdom Security Vetting - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) In line with Thales' Baseline Security requirements, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of identity, eligibility to work in the UK and employment and/or education history for up to three years. Some vacancies may require full Security Clearance which can require further evidence to be provided. For further details of the evidence required to apply for Baseline and Security Clearance please refer to the Defence Business Services National Security Vetting (DBS NSV) Agency. At Thales we provide CAREERS and not only jobs. With Thales employing 80,000 employees in 68 countries our mobility policy enables thousands of employees each year to develop their careers at home and abroad, in their existing areas of expertise or by branching out into new fields. Together we believe that embracing flexibility is a smarter way of working. Thales UK is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free recruitment process. We will provide reasonable adjustments and support to ensure neuro-diverse applicants or those with a disability or long-term condition can be their best during the recruitment process. To request an adjustment, if you need this job advert in an alternative format or if you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Resourcing Ops for mid to senior roles, or the Early Careers Team for graduate and apprentice roles. Great journeys start here, apply now