To provide effective administrative support, advice on school governance, constitutional and procedural matters to the governing board.
The Clerk manages relationships across the Governing Body, the Senior Leadership Team and with the Local Authority.
4 hours per week, term time only.
Scope of job:
Will have access to extremely sensitive and highly confidential information which must be dealt with discretely.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Meetings
•Agree a calendar of dates and prepare a cyclic schedule of agendas for the governing body and sub-committee meetings throughout the year.
•Work with chair/principal to prepare agendas for governing board meetings – liaising with contributors to ensure papers/agendas are shared in good time (seven days prior to a meeting).
•Attend meetings of the governing board and committees/working groups (as required) and take accurate minutes - preparing drafts for approval by chair/board, distributing as required and maintaining records of agreed governing board and committee minutes for the public record.
•Ensure correct procedures are followed, meetings are quorate, elections properly held, etc - advising on law, standing orders, procedural matters as necessary during meetings.
•Follow up agreed action points, governor decisions and report progress to the chair/governing board.
•The clerk will be required to convene and clerk additional meetings, such as the annual pay panel or as needed meetings, such as disciplinary or complaints panels.
•Maintain copies of terms of reference, roles, membership of committees and working parties.
•Ensure the governing board is properly constituted, maintain records of Governors’ terms of office and contact details - informing the LA of any changes and ensuring ‘Get Information about Schools’ (GIAS) database is kept up to date.
•Maintain records of attendance at meetings and training undertaken by members of the governing board.
•Maintain a register of governors’ business / pecuniary interests.
•Ensure relevant information about the governing board is on the school website.
•Advise the governing body/chair of vacancies, resignations or appointments – working to ensure action is taken to fill a vacancy and support recruitment process as necessary.
•The clerk to the governing board may also be expected to administer elections for parent and staff governors when vacancies occur.
•Ensure that all governors complete onboarding requirements - signing a declaration of their qualification as a governor, completing an enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check, completing safeguarding, prevent and other training requirements.
•Ensure new governors have the essential documents – advising as necessary, supporting induction and promoting training opportunities.
3. Providing advice
•Keep up to date on educational developments and legislation affecting college governance – advising the governing board on legal, statutory, procedural matters, best practice and seeking advice from third parties as required.
•Provide induction materials and advice to new governors as appropriate.
4. Information
•Maintain full records of correspondence, DfES and LEA documents.
•Uphold the school’s requirement of policy review whilst ensuring all statutory policies are seen by Governors within relevant review timeframes.
•Uphold the Trips policy, working with the EVC and governors on approvals for significant trips.
•Maintain other governors' files including school polices and other school documents.
•Assist with the preparation of any governing body reports including those for parents.
5.Professional development
•Undergo initial clerks’ training and attend local authority termly briefings, meetings for chairs and clerk and other relevant sessions.
•Ensure an awareness of statutory changes that might affect the work of the Governors, i.e., suspension and exclusions.
•Continue to develop skills and participate in regular performance management.
Additional Responsibilities
•The clerk may be required to undertake other responsibilities as mutually agreed between the clerk and governing body.
•The clerk to the governing board may act as correspondent on behalf of the governing body if requested to do so.
•The duties and responsibilities of this post cover a wide range. If less than the full responsibilities apply this will be reflected in the grade allocated within the range available.
•The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. All staff employed in the school must be aware that an enhanced DBS check will be undertaken.