We have a vacancy for a person to manage the tax affairs of our individual clients and trusts. The position will be part-time, 2/3 days per week, with the flexibility to work extra days at our busiest times.
The successful candidate will:
· Be fully proficient in the preparation of self assessment returns for individuals, partnerships and trusts.
· Have a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of Income Tax, Capital Gains tax and Inheritance Tax.
· Be familiar with the legislation surrounding benefits-in-kind, and the completion of forms P11D.
· Familiarity with BTC software (or similar) for self assessment will be helpful but not essential.
Email your CV to: enquiries@kimeobrien.co.uk
Post it to: Kime O'Brien, 1 Church Mews, Churchill Way, Macclesfield. SK11 6AY.
Phone us on 01625 616050.