This exhibition is one part of HADAU 2025, a Welsh Arts Festival celebrating creativity and faith in Wales.
Hadau (translating as Seeds in English) takes place at Urban Crofters Church in Roath, Cardiff, in partnership with Morphé Arts Cymru.
You are invited to submit work for inclusion in the exhibition.
Our theme is ‘Is it finished?’ We are interested in new work - finished or unfinished. Work that explores the struggle many artists experience with process vs output and the challenge of what it means to finish work — When is it finished? Does it need to be finished? As well as the struggles we all have with endings and goodbyes.
Submission Guidelines
Physical work can be any size, 3D or 2D. It can be for exhibiting inside or outside the building. We will have at least one screen to show performance or screen-based work. We are open to all suggestions, and you are welcome to meet us in the space to discuss possibilities.
If you are interested in submitting work for this exhibition (maximum of 3 pieces), please let the curators know by completing the expression of interest form (available on the Hadau website) as soon as possible and no later than 12pm on January 31st.
Once we receive your expression of interest, we will share it with the selection panel and either ask more questions or invite you to submit work. This will happen very quickly.