Contractor's Plant Fitter/Vehicle Mechanic
The Plant Fitter/Vehicle Mechanic will be responsible for the safe & cost-effective repair & maintenance of plant & equipment, without harm to people, the environment & targeting zero defects. The Plant Fitter/Vehicle Mechanic will be based out of a workshop at West Sussex, but will be required to attend site breakdowns as required.
1. Work to & within the company procedures, policies & regularly communicate with your line manager.
2. Priorto commencing work on vehicles or equipment, ensure compliance with method statements & risk assessments.
3. Ensureworkshop equipment and tools are utilised within safety guidelines and is cleaned and returned after use.
4. Ensuremanufacturers guidelines are followed when diagnosing, repairing and servicing equipment
5. Maintaina safe working environment & high standards of health & safety, environment & quality.
6. Ensureall site safety & environmental rules are followed including ensuring that appropriate PPE is worn, following safe systems of work and reporting any incidents.
7. Ensuringthat plant has been inspected, tested & tagged prior to delivery to site.
8. AttendSite/Workshop inductions, toolbox talks and department meetings, ensuring all rules highlighted are adhered to, particularly in relation to Health and Safety.
9. Ensur...