To deliver on a range of quality and patient safety assurance andmonitoring activities which will ensure that BSOL ICS is effectively sightedon the quality of care for all patients, and confirm whether such care meetsboth nationally and locally agreed contractual standards. This work willinclude, but not be restricted to: reviewing serious incident investigations,undertaking provider quality assurance visits, reviewing KPI and CQUINdata from a quality and patient safety perspective, attending, and reviewingannual quality accounts. To communicate and meet regularly with commissioned providers and,where appropriate, attend and chair meetings with such providers on behalfof BSOL ICS, to ensure effective oversight of quality and challenge of allstandards of quality and patient safety outcomes and experience. To ensure timely and effective monitoring of compassionate care withincommissioned providers as identified in the 6Cs - Care, Compassion,Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment. To work with providers to promote and assure appropriate standards ofclinical quality and a robust culture of continual quality improvement wherelessons are learnt. To ensuring robust and timely escalation of any quality and/or patient safetyconcerns within commissioned providers to the Associate Director ofNursing, Chief Nursing Officer and other members of the wider BSOLQuality and Patient Safety Team, as appropriate. To prepare and/or contribute towards, detailed summary reports for theattention of the Birmingham and Solihull (BSoL) Quality and SafetyCommittee highlighting any quality and/or patient safety concerns withincommissioned providers. To work with the wider BSOL Quality and Patient Safety Team providingclinical advice and recommendations as appropriate e.g. advising oncontent of provider KPIs and CQUINs.