To work with the person and other professionals as necessary in order to facilitate the stated functions of the Older People & Physical Disabilities (OPPD) Service. This includes the undertaking of proportionate assessments, ongoing support and proactively working with complex issues, family dynamics, legal issues, crisis, providing information and advice, transferring to another team if required and the provision of ongoing safeguarding.
Main duties will be completing reviews, scheduling reviews, converting care plans to support plans and making sure that the people of Southwark are receiving the support that meets their needs. Provision of a safeguarding function, to assess and investigate risk, mental capacity, Deprivation of liberties (DOLS) Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) and safeguarding issues ensuring the use of all appropriate resources from Social Care, Health and other voluntary and statutory agencies. Provision of a short term intensive assessment period, assessing the person's ability to maximise their independence and to provide a robust assessment that measures the amount of ongoing support that is needed
To ensure that all related administrative functions are undertaken. To attend case conferences, reviews and represent the Council at Court when this is determined as appropriate.
1. Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional settings.
2. To be responsible for the day to day interpretation and implementation of statutory and departmental policy in the provision of casework and, if appropriate group work or other social work service, to individuals, families and other groups.
3. Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse.
4. Ensure those accessing the service, including families and carers, are at the centre of decision making over their support arrangements and that opportunities for choice and control are optimised and reflected in their assessments and reviews.
5.Maintain the Directorate's records by recording assessments and other data accordingly ensuring that all data entered meets the relevant and stated levels of accuracy, quality and timeliness required.
6. To keep up to date with changes in legislation and developments within social work. To advance human rights and promote social justice and economic wellbeing through social work practice.
7. To assess the implications of change on people and to proactively advocate for personalisation and people's choice and control over their own support needs.
8. To recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles. To challenge appropriately when discrimination is in evidence.
9. To work across agencies and professional boundaries to ensure a whole systems approach to assessment and assisting people to manage their ongoing support needs.
10. To assist in the mentoring/supervision of students undertaking professional training assigned to the work area.
11. To have an understanding of the theory of Social Work and be able to critically reflect and analyse, to provide a rationale for professional decision-making.
12. To ensure that any information or signposting is clear and consistent with policy and to be shared with person in need and family members as appropriate. To be able to proactively engage the person with what the next steps are on the customer journey.
The post reports directly to the Team Manager or Senior Practitioner and is a member of the social work team responsible for delivering the ongoing support and review function for the people of Southwark.
The post holder will be expected to expand their specialist knowledge and skill relating to:
* Safeguarding
* Resources and procedures
* Identification of continuing healthcare needs
* Identification of Mental Capacity, Safeguarding, DOLS (LPS) and complex family issues Multi Agency working
* Strength Based Approach
Southwark council is committed to supporting vulnerable adults to achieve independence and social inclusion via personal budgets, self-directed support, and provision of suitable accommodation. The post holder is expected to provide a proactive approach which encompasses these goals and sets out to achieve these aims.
The post holder will be responsible to the Team Manager and Senior Practitioner; they will seek advice where referrals involve policy decisions, or where the post holder requires support with complex problems.
The post holder has no formal supervisory responsibility but will offer guidance to new members of staff joining the service.
Financial Responsibilities
The post holder will not be a budget-holder but must have an awareness of the need to work within a tightly controlled budget.
To be in contact with officers of Social Care, Health and other departments including Law and Administration, representatives from statutory and independent agencies and local community group, including groups representing the black and ethnic communities. Contact would involve: joint working, problem solving, developing and maintaining information links. Regulated Activity
This post has been classified as a regulated activity, in accordance with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. It is a criminal offence for individuals barred by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to apply or work in this post.
Knowledge, including educational qualifications:
* Must hold a recognised social work qualification and be
registered with Social Work England.
Candidate must have completed ASYE programme.
* Knowledge of current and proposed Social Services
legislation particularly that relating to Adults. An
appreciation and understanding of current issues in social
work practice, social sciences and theory.
* Knowledge of literacy and numeracy skills, to write reports
to meet the needs of courts and other Agencies/
Departments. To maintain appropriate records including
financial assessments and to assist people with their
finances. To produce high quality assessment.
* Excellent knowledge of safeguarding, mental capacity and
deprivation of liberty legislation and best practice.
* To have experience of assessing the social care needs of elderly people and people with disability.
* To have experience of working with multiple agencies to
facilitate holistic and strength based assessments. To
collaboratively support people in achieving their goals,
outcomes and maximisation of their independence.
* To have the experience of utilising safeguarding legislation
policy and practice to identify and process any safeguarding
and quality of care issues. To ensure that clients' welfare is protected an that the quality and standard of support provided is optimised.
* Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the application of
the principles of Equality and Diversity in practice.
* Experience of assessing mental capacity within the mental
Capacity Act.
Aptitudes, Skills & Competencies:
* To apply social work ethical principles and values to guide
professional practice.
* Excellent interpersonal and ability to undertake direct work
with complex clients, including the hard to engage, to
address their social care needs.
* Ability to effectively manage case administration, maintain appropriate records including report writing and appreciate the implications of "open" files.
* Ability to cope with high demand and throughput. Ability to
use and understand the supervisory process, work to
timescales be self-managing and proactive in caseload
* Ability to collate and analyse complex information, and
produce high quality data and reports that are easily
understood by others, with clearly evidenced
* Ability to undertake safeguarding adult's investigations and formulating person centred safeguarding plans.
Special Conditions of Recruitment:
* Comply with and promote the Council's Equal opportunities policy.