Responsible for: Accountable Officer for Finance Finance Estates and Facilities Procurement Commissioning and Contracting Green Plan Charitable Funds Security Management Health and Safety Capital External Audit Counter Fraud and Bribery Commercial developments Job Purpose The Chief Financial Officer will provide strategic leadership, assessment and evaluation and long-term planning of the Groups resources, working with the CEO and other Board members to shape future financial direction. They are the Accountable Officer, responsible for financial statutory duties on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer. They will contribute to the overall Group wide strategic development with specific responsibility for financial management, estates, contracting, performance and procurement expertise. They will advise the Chief Executive, the Board of Directors and the wider board members on all aspects of: Estates strategy and management Procurement and supplies Financial strategy and risk Investment appraisal Capital management Raising of debt and other finance Covenant compliance Cash flow management Communications on all aspects of financial management Commercial opportunities and risks Financial systems development. Contracting and Performance Risk sharing with other NHS statutory organisations Local Authorities or commercial organisations The management and oversight of charitable funds Key Duties and responsibilities Corporate Leadership and Responsibilities As a member of the Group Board and senior management team, contribute to the strategic and operational agenda, with a key role in the shaping of trust wide services to improve population health outcomes, reduce health inequalities and meet the priorities of the Group and commissioners. Work collaboratively with colleagues to drive delivery and improvement. Actively contribute to the leadership of the Group, continually seeking to improve the safety, quality, sustainability and efficiency of services, to support the provision of excellent patient care. Provide necessary, accurate and timely information to the Group Board to assist its decision making concerning the finances and relevant investment decisions across the organisation. Comply with the Groups standing financial instructions, standing orders, policies and the code of conduct for NHS managers. Ensure the Groups legal and statutory obligations are fulfilled in line with governance requirements within the resources available to organisation. Create and maintain positive relationships with partners, commissioners and external stakeholders to promote the trust and its services, encourages collaboration where appropriate. Participate in Executive On call. Work with other director colleagues to develop the Groups approach as a good employer, enhancing performance along with effective resource and skill utilisation. Take a lead role across the Group on specific issues/topics (as agreed with the Trust Board annually). Develop commercial partnerships to support the delivery of the Group strategy and support the financial sustainability of the organisations in the Group. Develop and maintain peer relationships and joint work with CFOs in NHS England, Integrated Care Boards, NHS Provider organisations and Local Authorities within the catchment areas of the Group. Maintain own professional and personal development. Financial Management Be responsible for the development of a proactive and effective financial strategy for the Group which takes account of the wider local, regional and national financial position and achieves sustainable strategic growth. Provide comprehensive financial services to the Group including production of budget proposals, effective budgetary control systems, the provision of accurate and timely information/advice and compilation of monthly management returns and end of year accounts for statutory and/or regulatory purposes. Be accountable for the provision of a full financial management and planning service to budget holders within the Group, balancing risk and opportunities to deliver the Group strategy. Ensure the delivery of an effective Financial Services and Treasury Management function, compliant with all extant guidance, regulations and audit requirements. Oversee the development and delivery of a clinically safe Cost Improvement ethos and Programme. Work closely with Board colleagues to grow and develop new income streams aligned to the strategic plan. To apply rigorous commercial discipline to assessing viability of investment proposals. Put the appropriate processes and procedures in place to provide robust governance and assurance around financial management within the Group, utilising sound evaluation and evidence to support decision making. Ensure the effective management of financial risk in line with the Groups Risk Management Policy. Scan the wider NHS, Local Government, broader healthcare sector and the UK political context to take into account any wider impacts to support the develop or adjustment of long-term strategies, to maximise opportunities. Ensure appropriate investment management techniques are used to assess new business opportunities/service developments. Ensure financial support for the development of business cases for capital expenditure and service changes and monitor subsequent tendering and expenditure against approved budgets. Ensure an effective and coordinated approach to contractual negotiation with Commissioners and management of contractual obligations in year. To be the Board lead on contract negotiation, implementation, and the monitoring of contract performance. Ensure the provision and adherence to effective Standing financial Instructions and Standing Orders. Oversee the development of activity-based costing and service line reporting to ensure that services can be benchmarked against comparable organisations (UK and internationally). To appraise current and forecast outcomes of operational strategies and report on financial performance in a timely manner to the Group Board, all key stakeholders and regulators.. To effectively manage financial agreements with key stakeholders to ensure appropriate management recovery of costs. Working with the Finance director, set the requirements to create, develop, lead and manage the finance team and play a central role in their professional performance and development. Promote a culture of compassionate leadership, innovation, continuous improvement, equality and inclusion within the teams for which they are responsible. Oversee the processes for financial information to be cascaded to all levels within the organisation, whilst ensuring that the appropriate staff are skilled to meet its requirements. To be responsible for all financial systems and internal controls including the development and modification of accounting systems when required. To maintain relationships with external professional advisors to ensure the absolute best advice is sourced relating to financial matters. To manage relationships with external audit functions and, with the Chief Executive, play a leading role in liaison with any regulatory bodies. Undertake complex audits of activity/data to improve financial and accounting services. Lead the procurement and contracting teams to maximise value from purchase contracts, working collaboratively with other NHS/public sector organisations to gain from buying at scale. Management of the Estate, Facilities and Capital Expenditure To work with partner organisations both internal and external to the NHS to ensure the most effective use of estate for service delivery. Develop and implement an effective strategy for the efficient, utilisation, safe custody and protection of ownership of the Groups fixed assets to ensure the group (and tenants) optimises its estate. Oversee and ensure probity and appropriate financial controls in the management of capital projects. Working with Estate leads, advise the Group Board of surplus assets and develop divestment and resultant reinvestment programmes, to support strategic aims. Apply rigorous commercial disciplines and techniques in assessing viability of investment proposals. Ensure the financial information in the asset register is accurately maintained and that Capital Charges data are updated as appropriate. Ensure that all contracts are negotiated in accordance with governance requirements and monitored to achieve anticipated outcomes, ensuring all instances that performance delivery meets with agreed requirements. Develop and manage the Groups buildings to support the five-year objectives of the organisation and ensure the buildings support the goal of providing quality healthcare. Directorate responsibilities Lead and manage the directorate, ensuring exemplary leadership, development and achievement of the annual objectives for the directorate. Be an authorised signatory at director level and be responsible for the budget for the directorate. Support the delivery of directorate contributions to organisational cost improvement plans and efficiency challenges. Be the executive lead for the management of charitable funds.