To work jointly with staff from other agencies in direct work with children and young people and their families. To assess child safeguarding issues for each case. To practice within local safeguarding guidelines, sharing and directly referring on concerns when appropriate and participating in multi-agency safeguarding conferences. To inform and influence child mental health strategy including the development of joint agency protocols for pathways of care, intervention or treatment, joint planning and collaborative working relationships. To participate in identifying service needs and gaps across agencies with regard to children and young peoples mental health. To assess child safeguarding issues for each case. To practice within local safeguarding guidelines, sharing and directly referring on concerns when appropriate and participating in multi-agency safeguarding conferences. When appropriate within the role to engage in joint work with other specialist CAMHS personnel as agreed with line manager. As required, contribute to the triage of CAMHS referrals and other tasks within Getting Advice such as providing advice to families/carers and professionals via the Advice Line To comply with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements of their professional body. To comply with any necessary data collection and information sharing across agencies in line with Trust guidelines on confidentiality