Job summary
An exciting opportunity has arisen to work as part of theSafeguarding Children Team at CDDFT. The team are well established, dynamic andinnovative. This role is a Band 7 Senior Nurse within the organisation, whowill work closely with staff, stakeholders and support teams to safeguardchildren and families.
The Senior Nurse Safeguarding will work closely with theNamed Nurse & Named Midwife; the wider safeguarding teams & the seniorleadership team, to support assurance that the organisation is meetingstatutory safeguarding requirements. They will also ensure the achievement ofkey performance indicators for safeguarding across the organisation.
We are seeking to recruit a highly motivatedpractitioner, who is passionate about safeguarding, with a focus of providingleadership across the service pertaining to this specialised area. Thesuccessful candidate will demonstrate robust knowledge, skills and experiencewithin safeguarding practice; they will be aware of the current safeguardingpriorities across the service; including the importance of effective andcollaborative working with internal stakeholders, multi-agency Partners andDesignated Safeguarding Professionals.
For further information on this advert please contact Sharon Devlin onS or07980729829, or Emma McBeth 455858.
Main duties of the job
The successful candidate will demonstrate robust evidencebased knowledge of national and local procedures, guidance and key safeguardingchildren legislation. They will possess a keen desire to improve outcomes forvulnerable children and their families. They will have a wealth of experiencein the field of safeguarding children, with a child-centred and family focusedapproach; experience in teaching and the confidence to pursue positiveoutcomes, providing support and ensuring the progression of local improvementplans.
As a safeguarding specialist you will be a highly motivatedpractitioner, who is passionate about safeguarding children, with a drive andenthusiasm to implement change and educate staff.
You will be part of a dynamic team ofspecialists, who work across the trust to lead in the development and deliveryof safeguarding children training programme. You will provide safeguardingchildren supervision, advice, guidance and support. You will support the NamedNurse Safeguarding Children, to drive forward the safeguarding children agendaand contribute to multi-agency safeguarding children activities, across localsafeguarding partnerships.
About us
If you are being interviewed you must accept an interview slot in the system to continue, even if you have arranged with the manager
You must be able to produce ALL certificates stated essential in the person specification or you will not be able to complete pre-employment checks
We provide hospital services from two acute sites - Darlington Memorial Hospital and University Hospital of North Durham. We have a centre for planned care in Bishop Auckland and provide care from community hospitals in Chester-le-Street, Shotley Bridge, Barnard Castle, Sedgefield and Weardale as well as over 80 other community based settings and providing care in patients' homes.
We particularly welcome applications from disabled and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates as BAME and disabled people are currently under-represented
From April 1 2024 we are unable to offer sponsorship for healthcare roles that do not meet the minimum salary, If you are in the UK on a VISA please ensure you have no restrictions that would prevent you from taking this post.
Full Job Descriptions can be found in the adverts supporting documents
Job description
Job responsibilities
Please see full Job Descriptionattached.
This post is a specialist role andrequries specialist knowledge regarding safeguarding children practice. Theprofessional will work with a high degree of autonomy and lead the safeguardingagenda across the Trust, providing support, advice, guidance and supervision tostaff, to empower them to safeguard children within their own practice. TheSenior Nurse Safeguarding Children role provides support from a leadership andoperational perspective to the Trust, ensuring that the statutory requirementsfor the organisation are upheld. It is crucial that the practitioner works witha Think Family and child-centred approach, with a knowledge and understandingof the key and current evidence-base, the current local and national themesfrom learning, leading on the development and delivery of training, briefingsessions and innovative methods to embed learning. Quality assurance isintegral to this role, to ensure ongoing improvement, which will be performedinternally within the organisation and also often takes place collaborativelywith the Safeguarding Partnerships.
It is essential that the postholder works in close collaboration with the Named Professionals forSafeguarding, the safeguarding children team and the wider teams within theTrust. The role also involves working closely with members of the multi-agency safeguardingpartnership teams and key stakeholders across the locality, to meet localsafeguarding priorities.
The Senior Nurse SafeguardingChildren is a senior role within the organisation and therefore is responsiblefor supporting the embedding of safeguarding strategy, leading on thedevelopment of policies and contributing to wider clinical policies, whereappropriate. The key role of the Senior Nurse Safeguarding Children is tosupport staff, equip them with the knowledge and skills, to empower them toindependently safeguard children.
To workcollaboratively, as an integral member of the safeguarding children team, toempower staff and equip them with the skills and knowledge to safeguardchildren. This is in line with their statutory responsibilities.
To work collaboratively with the wider safeguarding teamswithin the Trust and locally.
To provide highly specialised safeguarding advice,guidance and support on all aspects of safeguarding children to health staffwithin County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.
To provide support around highly complex safeguardingsituations, including for example; perplexing presentations and fabricated andinduced illness, child exploitation, neglect
To work with the Named Nurse Safeguarding Children andNamed Midwife Safeguarding, to ensure that robust procedures for SafeguardingChildren are implemented.
Deliver a high quality of safeguarding training, educationand development to staff members within the Trust and collaborating with thelocal Partners to provide multi-agency training, education and development.
To work with the Named Nurse Safeguarding Children &Named Midwife Safeguarding to develop the Safeguarding Children TrainingStrategy.
Demonstrate a specialised knowledge of cumulative harmwithin safeguarding practice, to inform critical analysis and evaluation.
Awareness of the escalation process, when disagreementsoccur within the organisation and also with partners, applying the appropriatetools and resources, to ensure a consistent, respectful and confident approachto professional disagreement/challenge; whilst advocating a child-focussed andThink Family approach, which is trauma-informed.
To support County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trustsfunction in the delivery of MASH, MAPPA and MARAC, attending meetings andproviding robust analysis and appropriate sharing of information, whereappropriate.
Demonstrate the ability to recognise areas of risk, includingwithin areas, which may impact on the safety of children/young people, serviceusers and staff, who are accessing the organisation. Supporting in thedevelopment of robust risk management plans, to safeguard in this instance.
To ensure that Local Safeguarding Partnership Procedures;CDDFT NHS Safeguarding Children Procedures; current and new legislation;learning from incidents and Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews are embeddedthroughout all training methods and supervision.
To undertake the planning and development oftraining packages, which are evidence-based and correlate to current learning.
Person Specification
Special Requirements
1. Able to meet the travel requirements of the role
Special Skills & Knowledge
2. High level of communication skills.
3. Ability to work in collaboration with teams and also to demonstrate autonomy.
4. Robust knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding legislation and statutory frameworks, which underpin safeguarding practice including, but not limited to, the Children Act 1989 & 2004, Working Together 2023, Intercollegiate Document 2019.
5. Understanding of local and national safeguarding policies and procedures.
6. Skills in risk assessment, analysis and critical thinking to ensure that safeguarding risks are identified, analysed and responded to apropriately.
7. Evidence of time management and organisation skills, including the ability to prioritise complex workload with competing challenges.
8. Robust knowledge and understanding of local safeguarding partnerships and their functions.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes regarding safer recruitment and management of allegations, including LADO.
10. Contributes to influencing change in safeguarding practice through education, supervision and support.
11. Ability to analyse complex information, apply critical thinking within risk assessment and make crucial decisions, in complex situations.
12. Ability to follow escalation process, when necessary and engage in respectful professional challenge, in safeguarding practice, when there are concerns for the children, young people or families.
13. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding regarding current safeguarding children themes from research, including a robust understanding of current key priorities for safeguarding children.
14. Demonstrates a robust understanding of MASH, MARAC and MAPPA functions and their importance within the safeguarding children agenda.
15. Evidence of continual professional development within safeguarding.
16. Understanding of the importance of engaging stakeholders.
17. Understanding of regulation and frameworks surrounding information sharing.
18. Ability to lead on projects.
19. Presentation skills
20. IT skills
21. Evidence of contribution to MASH
22. Evidence of experience in attending MARAC and/or MAPPA
Statutory Registration
23. Current NMC Registration
24. A minimum of 3 years experience in health care provision, including significant experience working with children, young people and their families.
25. Experience of working with families who have complex safeguarding needs.
26. Experience in managing safeguarding processes, safeguarding case work, and contributing to multi-agency working to safeguarding children families
27. Experience of teaching or training provision to a range of professional groups.
28. Experience of effective multi-agency working; including forming and sustaining professional relationships, across a range of partnership agencies, working together to safeguard children.
29. Experience of safeguarding supervision and evidence of reflective practice.
30. Experience of safeguarding children policies and procedures.
31. Experience of compiling reports, applying critical thinking and analytical skills, to identify and respond appropriately to risks and implement proportionate safeguarding actions.
32. Experience of working with local safeguarding frameworks including Signs of Safety.
33. Experience of attending and providing meaningful contribution to multi-agency safeguarding meetings.
34. Experience of responding to complex contextual safeguarding issues.
35. Experience of capturing and responding to the child's lived experience.
36. Experience of applying a Think Family Approach to practice.
37. Experience of audit and quality assurance methods.
38. Experience of risk management.
39. Experience of identifying and responding to incident reporting to recognise and respond to learning.
40. Experience working in a specialist safeguarding role.
41. Experience of facilitating safeguarding supervision
42. Evidence of developing and delivering safeguarding children training.
43. Experience of leading on the risk management of highly complex safeguarding situations.
44. Experience in court proceedings, including preparing reports or statements and attendance at court
45. Degree in health with a professional qualification in nursing or midwifery
46. Evidence of study at Masters Level
47. Teaching qualification or training certificate
48. Qualification or significant highly developed safeguarding knowledge and experience
49. Evidence of continued professional development
50. Safeguarding Children Training at Specialist Level 3 competence
51. Masters Degree
52. Safeguarding Supervision Training Safeguarding Education
53. Court skills training
54. Leadership course