Job Description
Business and Administration
As one of South Ayrshire’s largest employers we strongly believe in developing people to their full potential. Our Modern Apprenticeship Programme offers:
1. Experience within our Business and Administration departments, where you will carry out general duties relating to your role.
2. SVQ Level 2 in Business and Administration (SCQF level 5)
3. A range of Modern Apprentice Challenges to further develop your skills
4. National Minimum Apprenticeship Rate x 35 Hours Per Week
You will need:
5. Excellent Verbal and Written communication skills
6. Display competence in ICT
7. Four qualifications at National 4 Level including English or Business and Administration or equivalent.
8. An interest in working in Business and Administration
The Council provides a wide range of employability opportunities for people in South Ayrshire in order to support them in gaining experience, training and employment. This programme is part of the council’s youth employability initiative. We are committed to offering career development opportunities for young people within South Ayrshire and to comply with the conditions of funding from skills development Scotland, applicants must fall into the following categories before the start date of 24th February .
9. 19 years of age or under
10. 29 years of age or under and be a care experienced young person
11. 29 years of age or under and have additional support needs
Rates of Pay:
12. For candidates under 18, the rate of pay will be £6.40
13. For candidates aged 18 - 20, the rate of pay will be £8.60
14. For candidates aged 21 and over, the rate of pay will be £11.44
The closing date for this post is Sunday 23 February. The assessment centre and interviews will take place on Tuesday 28th February. These dates are set and cannot be changed.
If interested in applying for this role, you should apply online at