Communication Requirements To communicate in a skilled and sensitive manner to the parents, carers, professionals involved and CYP concerning the assessment, formulation and treatment plans. To monitor and evaluate progress during the course of multi- disciplinary care. To interpret and evaluate complex, sensitive and sometimes contentious information to children and families, carers who may be hostile and aggressive; taking into account historical, environmental and developmental processes that have shaped the individual, family or group. To liaise and maintain good communication with referrers and other professionals involved with CYP on matters of mutual concern regarding individual service users. To actively participate in MDT quadrant team meetings To work with other team members in implementing priorities and initiatives as agreed by the Community CYPMH Service Manager and Professional leads. Working relationships To have good working relationships with multidisciplinary colleagues To promote and maintain good working relationships with clients, their families, carers and other external agencies Service Development and Improvement. To work collaboratively with colleagues to develop and improve the service.. To and comply with the operational policy of the team and all operational procedures.. In conjunction with the local lead of Family & Systemic Family Psychotherapy and senior management team, identify and propose potential changes to work practices and procedures in own area of work and contribute to discussions on service wide and specialism issues. Research and Audit To communicate to both service and professional management on those aspects of the service where clinical and/or organisational matters warrant concern or improvement. To utilise theory, evidence-based literature and research to supportpractice in individual work and work with other team members to improve the quality of care provided to CYP and their families served by CYPMHS Participate in Trust Quality Improvement (QI) programme To contribute to the developmentof the highest professional standards of practice in CYPMH and Family and Systemic Psychotherapy Administration and Clinical Recording To enter required data into the Trusts patient administration systems and to make use of data bases as directed by managers To undertake administrative tasks in line with service requirements, making appropriate use of administrative support Teaching and Training To contribute to systemically informed learning that may be required to meet the demands and objectives of CYPMHS Research and Service Evaluation To support the Trust wide Systemic & Family Psychotherapy Discipline in establishing standards and creating opportunities for research into aspects of systemic practice and mental health services. To contribute to clinical audit as appropriate. Administration To ensure documentation and care plans are comprehensive in line with Trust policy. To work within the framework of CY-IAPT and to use Routine Outcome Measures as part of your work. To record relevant information as consistent with Trust and Council record keeping policy. Supervision and Continued Professional Development To hold a caseload and receive clinical supervision from an approved systemic supervisor or fully qualified Family / Systemic Psychotherapist in accordance with Trust clinical governance standards and the codes of practice and ethical guidelines of Association for Family Therapy (AFT) and United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) To attend clinical and professional supervision within the context of the Knowledge and Skills Framework. To participate in a Personal Development Review and an annual Appraisal within the context of the knowledge and skills framework. To attend Multidisciplinary CPD as agreed in job plan. To attend Professional Meetings for Systemic & Family Psychotherapy discipline as appropriate. General To maintain high standards of clinical record keeping, which may include electronic data entry and recording, report writing through the exercise of professional ethical standards and a continuing adherence to the professional codes of practice of the AFT and UKCP To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and local policies and issues in relation to both the specific client group and mental health. Rider Clause This is an outline of the postholders duties and responsibilities. It is not intended as an exhaustive list and may change from time to time in order to meet the changing needs of the Trust and Department. Duties and Responsibilities: To work as a member of the multi-disciplinary CYPMH service, within the clinical governance structures and protocols of the service. 1. To contribute to the provision of a specialist systemic assessment of referrals of a significant and complex nature, drawing upon different explanatory theories and employing research-based evidence models, in order to formulate and implement plans for the treatment and management of a childs mental health problems. 2. To exercise professional responsibility for the assessment, treatment and discharge of clients and formulate effective care plans in collaboration with the client and family. This includes undertaking risk assessment and risk management taking into account protective and risk factors present in the network of significant relationships that are cognisant of the multi-disciplinary CYPMH context under the supervision of an approved systemic supervisor or fully qualified Family / Systemic Psychotherapist. 3. To provide specialist family work under supervision of an approved systemic supervisor or fully qualified Family / Systemic Psychotherapist and to work in ways which are sensitive to the needs of families from a wide range of racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This includes providing therapeutic interventions to a variety of family forms including single parent families, same sex carers/parents and their children; accommodated children and their network of care; children who are on the Child Protection Register; families where parents have mental health difficulties; parents of children with learning difficulties; and the wider family networks. 4. Competence is required in undertaking systemically informed family work with families through the use of an interpreter where necessary. Ability is required where appropriate to translate western concepts to non-western families with skilful use of interpreters. Ability may also be required to modify western therapeutic models for non-western families. 5. The post-holder will be expected to practice in a way which is inclusive and considerate of the needs of each individual in the system including family members and their varying developmental stages and current emotional state. This will also include taking into account highly complex factors concerning historical and developmental processes that have shaped the child and their difficulties. 6. To participate in a joint working approach to those families deemed to be more complex. 7. To contribute to the provision of live consultation to others' therapy in the service, Family Psychotherapists or clinicians from other disciplines where required to do so. 8. To work jointly and collaboratively with other team members in order to enhance and develop work with families by providing systemically informed knowledge and skills. 9. To facilitate or co-facilitate groups within the clinic on a variety of care pathways, this may include both focus groups and clinical groups with both parents/carers and young people. 10. Contribute a systemic view in case discussion and team meetings. 11. To provide systemically informed consultation, advice and guidance to other professionals working with families both within the service and in partner agencies under the supervision of an approved systemic supervisor or fully qualified Family / Systemic Psychotherapist. 12. To communicate effectively verbally and in writing, to provide reports including those for GPs, and Child Protection Conferences concerning complex circumstances 13. To maintain current knowledge of the operation of video equipment and promote ethical and effective use in line with Directorate policy. Introduce this practice to families in a sensitive way. Use video tape review to contribute to the enhancement of the skills of colleagues. 14. To take responsibility for initiating planning and the review of care plans and considering the views of patients, their family, carers, referring agents and other professionals involved in the network of care. This includes organising professional network meetings where appropriate and attending Child Protection Conferences under the supervision of an approved systemic supervisor or fully qualified Family / Systemic Psychotherapist. 15. To communicate complex clinical information in a skilled and sensitive manner including assessment, formulation and treatment plans of patients and to monitor progress during the course of single and multi-disciplinary treatment. 16. To work in accordance with team's objectives by adhering to Trust and Council policies, ensuring Care Plans are in place and recording up to date. 17. Attend multidisciplinary team meetings