Restarting your Social Work career? Returning to Social Work? Lots of people take career breaks for a variety of reasons. The good thing about a social work degree is that it is generic and provides lots of transferable skills. If you would like to re-start your Social Work career, Cardiff would like to hear from you. We are able to offer you a temporary contract working with us as a Social Work Assistant giving you the opportunity to gain the hours of practice needed to re-register with Social Care Wales. Once you re-register with Social Care Wales, we would support you to apply for a Social Worker position within the local authority. Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Newydd Gymhwyso? Dychwelyd at Gwaith Cymdeithasol? Cael swydd Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol parhaol yn syth Dewch i fod yn Gynorthwy-ydd Gwaith Cymdeithasol ar ôl i chi orffen eich lleoliad olaf a thra’ch bod yn aros i gael eich cymhwyster, pam aros, ymgeisiwch nawr Ymgeisiwch ac os cyrhaeddwch y rhestr fer, byddwn yn gwarantu cyfweliad i chi yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf. Gallwn ni ddarparu cymorth ac arweiniad gyda'ch cais ac i baratoi cyn y cyfweliad. Y cyfan sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw cysylltu â ni.