Safeguarding It is the responsibility of all staff to always safeguard and protect children and adults at risk and staff must report any concerns as per Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults polices, which are available on the Trusts intranet. Every member of staff must undertake regular mandatory safeguarding training at a level relevant to the role. Smoking The Trust operates a No Smoking policy. Mobility Whilst the post holder will be based at Priestley Wharf this is a Trust wide appointment and travel around the Trust may be required. Confidentiality Your attention is drawn to the confidential nature of information collected within the National Health Service. The unauthorised use or disclosures of patient or other personal information is regarded as gross misconduct and will be subject to the Trusts Disciplinary Procedure and, in the case of both computerised and paper-based information, could result in a prosecution for an offence or action for civil damages under the Data Protection Act 1998. Sustainability The Trust attaches great importance to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. It is therefore the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that the Trusts resources are used efficiently with minimum wastage throughout their daily activities.