The Employment Specialist will be expected to deliver the IPS approach, working directly with all relevant stakeholders. The Employment Specialist will maintain a professional relationship with the service users of the IPS service, key internal and external stakeholders, with particular attention to confidentiality and the maintenance of professional boundaries. To adhere to mandatory administrative and data capture protocols when recording the progress of individuals. To keep accurate and complete records of casework, using the appropriate electronic clinical notes systems.
To act independently, using own judgement, knowledge and initiative to develop an understanding of the needs and potential career aspirations of job seekers. To sensitively gather information, to develop a shared vocational profile and an agreed Job Notion or Curriculum Vitae, for each individual job seeker. On occasion complex, sensitive and contentious information will need to be provided and/or received. To deal with sometimes emotional and distressing behaviour and difficult situations and circumstances.
To commence rapid job search within 30 days of receiving a referral for a service user, whilst utilising local support networks to help them overcome their barriers to employment. To research the labour market and spend time getting to know local employers in order to negotiate job opportunities that meet everyone's strengths, needs, abilities and preferences. Meeting KPI target of 6-8 quality employer contacts each week. It is the responsibility of the Employment Specialist to source meaningful paid job opportunities for service users through tailored job search and regular contact with employers.
Spend time getting to know local employers, in order to negotiate job opportunities in the hidden labour market that meet each individual's strengths, needs, abilities and preferences. It is the responsibility of the Employment Specialist to undertake job analyses and workplace assessments when placing service users with employers, ensuring that the quality of work environments is explored, including potential for workplace adjustments that will accommodate individual strengths, skills, symptoms, and coping skills. To provide specialised advice to employers concerning employment to job seekers with a range of different clinical needs. To provide specialist education and support to employers, as agreed with the individual, which may include negotiating adjustments, return to work strategy, and ongoing contact with the employer to ensure job retention.
To develop workplace introduction strategies together with a comprehensive package of individualised support to service users once they have returned to work. To provide individualised support to service users once they have returned to work to assist them in sustaining employment. To appropriately monitor the longer-term career development of individuals supported into employment offering ongoing input as required. Build relationships with clinical teams to generate referrals and create collaborative working partnerships with clinicians where employment support is integrated into mental health treatment.
Build a multi-disciplinary approach to the return to work. For example, involve clinical staff (where relevant) in managing symptoms at work, medication reviews, and supporting rehabilitation needs e.g., social skill development, budgeting, travel training etc. With appropriate consent, to communicate and liaise with carers, families, employers, and other professionals on behalf of the service user as required. Employment Specialist will ensure all mandatory training is completed and up to date.
Additional training will be offered with the expectation that all staff will complete all role specific training provided by external organisations. The post holder will make themselves familiar with their obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act, always ensuring their safety and the safety of others. To ensure that all relevant policies are implemented such as information governance, safeguarding etc. To regularly collect and promote service user employment recovery stories.
The post holder will be involved in highly innovative positive approaches designed to challenge assumptions and discriminative recruitment practices. To provide cover/support to localities with high levels of referrals, complex cases, or where there is a disruption to service due to illness or vacancies.