KEY DUTIES Enter patient Admission Listing forms accurately onto the Patient Administration System (PAS) on a daily basis adhering to the timescales within the Trust Patient Access Policy and ensuring the waiting list entry is attached to the correct 18 week pathway with appropriate operation code. To deal with pending elective admissions and cancellations, liaising with all relevant staff (including Consultants, Bed Managers, Theatre and Ward staff). Escalating any issues/breaches to the Team Leader/Assistant Directorate Manager. Meet/liaise with Consultants on a regular basis in order to manage waiting lists effectively whilst working within the Department of Health guidelines. Be responsible for updating accurately both electronic and paper diaries. Independently compile theatre lists 6 weeks in advance, taking into account the composition of lists to include, clinical urgency, diagnostic investigations, therapeutic investigations, complex procedures and 18 week referral to treatment target. Inputting information on to PAS and Opera. Liaise with the Capacity Manager and/or Directorate Managers to ensure theatre sessions are utilised when Consultants are on leave. If Consultants are on annual leave/professional leave ensure that Registrar/Staff Grade cover is in place prior to booking patients into theatre session. Book patient appointments for pre-operative assessments using the PAS system and identify the type of pre-operative assessment required. Obtain relevant reports/ information and request case notes. Update pre-operative assessment clinic of list changes due to cancellations/alterations. Frequently negotiate with nursing staff to provide additional pre-operative assessment clinics. Liaise with the pre-operative assessment clinic regarding impending admissions, outcome of anaesthetic referrals or medical issues, prior to dating patients for surgery. Update the PAS system and Opera systems with all information/special requirements following patients attending the pre-operative assessment clinics. Order interpreters for patients attending pre-operative assessments, enhanced recovery programme clinics and admission for surgery by e-mail. To arrange patient admissions by telephone/letter ensuring that patients are offered a choice of date with reasonable notice in accordance with the current operating framework and the NHS constitution. Order all necessary equipment for the planned operations via Theatre Materials Management Department. Responsible for informing the Radiology Department of patients due to be admitted for elective surgery within 48 hours who will require X-ray. When arranging paediatric admissions check anaesthetic cover (paediatric anaesthetists required) and ensure enough paediatric beds are available for that particular admission date. Take into account daily cancellations and alterations, contacting patients by telephone explaining in a polite and courteous manner the reasons for a cancellation. To follow the correct procedures and processes for all cancelled admissions and DNAs to ensure dates are re-booked and/or removed according to the Trust Patient Access Policy, escalating any issues. Complete reminder service one week in advance for elective admissions to reduce DNAs and ensure full utilisation of theatre sessions. Advise patients of all available options with empathy and discretion particularly when dealing with aggrieved patients regarding waiting list enquires. Significant conversations including outcomes are to be recorded on PAS. Monitor and maintain the Patient Target Lists (PTL) for each speciality and individual Consultants. Liaise with Directorate Managers on a regular basis. Monthly validation of 18 week (PTL) for each speciality to maintain 18 weeks, ensure patient availability and/or still require procedure and willingness to accept another surgeon or external providers. Monitor and maintain the Surveillance Targeting Lists for individual specialities ensuring that all patients are recalled in accordance with Multi Disciplinary Team guidelines and Department of Health guidelines. Book all Enhanced Recovery Programme appointments prior to admission. Complete data checks on computerised systems (PAS, Opera, EDMS) amending any changes e.g. operation procedures, wards, patient details, patient/hospital cancellations or time changes due to the implications of MRSA and / or allergy risks etc. Check EDMS for potential missed additions and highlight to Team Leaders. To ensure all case notes are requested and available for admissions in line with local standards and protocols. Ensure that any documentation in relation to the patient is sent to the Health Records Department to be scanned onto EDMS (Electronic Document Management System). To file all correspondence and documents, as required, thereby maintaining an effective filing system. Organise and order stationary items as appropriate. Deal appropriately with concerns from staff in line with Trust policy. To provide cover for colleagues during periods of annual leave and sickness. Mentor and train relevant staff as required by the Team Leaders or Assistant Directorate Manager. Participate in evening and call centre weekly rotation. Liaise with other hospitals both NHS and private, GPs, secretarial, clerical, wards, theatre staff and cancer services. Following List Planning meeting, complete actions for individual specialities and update minutes for Directorate Managers. To be responsible for informing the Cardio-Respiratory Department of patients due to be admitted with pacemakers in-situ by email. To work in a flexible manner in accordance with the Trust policy. Any other duties required by Line Manager.