To support this pathway and ensure the delivery of safe and high-quality care, the hospital seeks post-FRCA stage 2 or 3 trainees, who have completed Stage 2 paediatric competencies, or equivalent. Applicants need to be EPLS providers at the point at which they commence work for the hospital, but there may be an opportunity to seek support from hospital for this training and accreditation. Successful applicants will work as bank employees of the hospital, earning a very competitive rate. They will be expected to be onsite from 09:00-19:00hrs, and their primary role will be to support the Consultant Anaesthetists, who provide primary care to the paediatric surgical patients. It is expected that the onsite paediatric anaesthetist will support the Consultant Anaesthetist in theatre, recovery and the wards. Of note, the post holder will be directly responsible and supervised by the relevant Consultant Anaesthetist. There will be a named Consultant Paediatrician to provide additional support in the unlikely event that the childs care requires their input. Person specification Post FRCA stage 2 or 3 trainees, who have completed stage 2 paediatric competencies or Non-HEE trainee who has completed FRCA and competencies or Non-training grade doctor who is able to demonstrate their paediatric experience EPLS provider Level 3 Paediatric Safeguarding (hospital is able to support) Able to obtain enhanced DBS check (hospital will arrange) Commitment to support hospital develop successfully, safe and effective paediatric day case surgical pathway