Job responsibilities Lakeside Healthcare are looking to employ Community Link Workers Social Prescribing to assist in the provision of care for patients within our Primary Care Network PCN. The PCNs vision is to work together to deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients and staff. You will work in close partnership with our member practice teams as well as health, statutory and voluntary groups to create effective help and support for those that need it whilst being a key point of contact to enable patients to be supported within their local community. Empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing through GP referral to non-medical Community Link Workers CLWs based in GP surgeries who give time, focus on what matters to me and take a holistic approach, connecting people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support. Community Link Workers work collaboratively with all local partners. Social prescribing can help to strengthen community and personal resilience and reduces health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health, such as debt, poor housing, and physical inactivity, by increasing peoples active involvement with their local communities. It particularly works for people with long-term conditions (including support for mental health), for people who are lonely or isolated, or have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing. Key responsibilities Liaise and engage with member practices to ensure Community Link Workers SPLWs are valued and effective members of the PCN team. Establish and maintain effective liaison with stakeholders including health, voluntary, social, financial and education resources. Work in partnership with local voluntary and community organisation to build a comprehensive directory of local resource to design and support social prescribing. Ensure information on local voluntary and community resource is always up to date to enable effective and accurate signposting and linking of patients with services. Train and develop wider practice teams to improve SPLW referral suitability and effectiveness. Establish and maintain comprehensive data and evaluation systems. Produce quarterly reports in relation to service delivery and progress. Partake in audit as directed by the PCN Clinical Director. Take referrals from and make referrals to a wide range of appropriate agencies. Ensure the social prescribing function within the PCN is successful and delivers the required service in line with NSHE guidelines. Co-produce personalised support plans with individuals, their families and carers that help them take control of their wellbeing, live independently and improve their health outcomes. Take a holistic approach, based on the persons priorities and the wider determinants of health. When appropriate, refer patients back to other health professionals agencies, if their requirements exceed the scope of a SPLW. Ensure all relevant groups and organisations maintain basic procedures that include the consideration of vulnerable individuals and safeguarding concerns. Work collectively with all local partners to ensure community groups are strong and sustainable. Work with commissioners and local partners to identify unmet needs within the community and gaps in community provision and support development of new groups and services where needed, and thereby influence the development of services that will benefit this target population and tackle health and neighbourhood inequalities. Work sensitively with people, their families and carers to capture key information, enable tracking of the impact of social prescribing on their health and wellbeing. Provide one-to-one consultations mindful of the organisations lone working policy, giving patients time to tell their stories and focus on what matters to me. Work with the person, their families and carers and consider how they can all be supported through social prescribing. Work with other link workers to create a wider team understanding of the service that can be offered to patients and opportunities for further improvement of the offer and patient outcomes.