Perform comprehensive assessments of patient nursing needs, plan, implement and evaluate care delivery according to changing health care needs. Take responsibility for the care needs of individual and groups of patients. Collect, collate and fully accurately report patient information, maintaining accurate complete and contemporaneous nursing records. Co-ordinate, organise and prioritise the work of the nursing team on day to day basis. Supervise others and participate in their education and development. Contribute to the development of services, new ways of working and the implementation of change. Acts as a professional and clinical role model to all staff, patients, carers and the public at all times. Actively promote and participate in Clinical Supervision / Mentorship or equivalent support mechanisms. Act as a preceptor to newly registered staff and on a regular basis mentor and assessor of student learners on clinical placement. Ensure that the delivery of care to own patients and for all patients when in charge meet the standards determined by the Sister / Charge Nurse and the Standards for Better Health.