*This post is open to female applicants only as being female is deemed to be a genuine occupational requirement under Schedule 9, Paragraph 1 of the Equality Act 2010.
Stop Domestic Abuse is a trauma informed organisation, the work we do to support those effected by domestic abuse may be triggering for those with past trauma. Please only apply if you are living free from abuse. If you’d like to talk to us about this, please get in touch.
. The focus of this role is on reduction of risk and minimising impact of domestic abuse by providing support, advice and assistance to adults and any children living within Stop Domestic Abuse’s dispersed accommodation who have experienced or are at risk of domestic abuse.
. Dispersed accommodation is safe, self-contained accommodation with a similar level of specialist domestic abuse support as provided within our refuges but which may be more suitable for victims-survivors who are unable to stay in a refuge with communal spaces, and/or where peer support from other residents may not be appropriate. This may include: women with male children over 16, male victims-survivors, including men with children, LGBTQ+ victims-survivors, older adults, victims-survivors with disabilities, victims-survivors facing multiple disadvantages and victims-survivors with pets
To provide safety planning, support, advice, and assistance all adults, children those living within dispersed accommodation.
The post-holder will work to empower and support all victims and survivors of domestic abuse to make positive choices.
To participate in the delivery of the on-call out of hours on a rota basis.