No Sponsorships will be offered Support Workers for Ipswich Supported Living - Females GOR - Genuine Occupational Requirement for this role is open to female applicants only due to privacy needs in a woman's support service, as permitted under The Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, paragraph 1 Our Mission Statement: OUR MISSION is to make a positive difference to people and their families by delivering personalised health and social care that helps them achieve what they want out of life. Our Values: SAFE : We put the person at the centre of all our work and listen and act on what they tell us. We will respect and promote the human, legal, and civil rights of all the people we support, our organisation, and wider society. SOUND: We will provide high-quality care and support that is safe, evidence-based, and outcome-focused. We will work appreciatively, which is hopeful and encouraging, using positive and strength-based approaches. SUPPORTIVE: We will empower the people we support in a manner that is progressive and enables them to exercise choice and control. We will work with our partners to create pathways that enable people to grow and achieve their goals. Support Worker Role We are looking for dedicated and compassionate Support Workers to work within a team, delivering high-quality and person-centred care for two females with complex health and behavioural needs. This role requires hands-on support in all daily living aspects and a proactive approach. A UK full manual driver’s licence is essential as it involves driving a mobility car. Both ladies have active lifestyles, and one uses some communication aids. We are looking for Support Workers to support both ladies in developing friendships while maintaining family and existing friendships. Supporting both ladies to go out on activities within the community, be creative and innovative with new ideas. Both ladies will be coming from their parental homes, support to maintain thier family connections whilst also making new friendships. Job Purpose Follow the individual support plans and risk assessments and ensure that changes to individual needs are escalated to the Team Leader / Manager. • To support the person(s) in living the life they want to lead, making decisions, having as many choices about their lives as possible, and being supported to take appropriate risks. • To make each day the best it can be. - to maintain their existing skills and develop new ones. • To access local community facilities and participate in activities outside of their home. This may include appointments, religious and cultural activities, and work and leisure activities. • To support people with cooking, shopping, and ensuring a clean home according to individual choices. • To support people to make informed decisions about their health and administer prescribed medication • Support with personal care (e.g. washing, bathing, shaving, going to the toilet) when required • To support people to achieve their ambitions as set out in their support plans. • To assist with the management of finances. • To take an active involvement in support plans and ensure these reflect the people we support. • Act as key worker for people ensuring that their experiences and quality of life are regularly reviewed. • Participate in daily handovers ensuring that you contribute key information related to the people we support, is shared. • Ensure that accidents, incidents, and near-miss events are recorded and escalated to the team leader/manager • Carry out any additional tasks or duties according to your support worker responsibilities and within your scope of competence. • Make safeguarding an absolute priority. Ensure that you report concerns, poor practices, or suspected abuse always. • Be a positive role model for the people we always support. • Act as an ambassador for the service ensuring as a support worker you always maintain professionalism and integrity • As a paid Support Worker in the service, you refrain from befriending service users on social network sites. • Treat the person(s) that you are paid to always support with dignity and respect • Always act in the best interest of any person who may lack capacity. • Be aware of, and follow the procedure for, reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents. • Keep accurate records. • Attend training and ensure all mandatory training is up to date • Attend team meetings as required • Attend daily handovers ensuring that key information is always communicated to your colleagues • Co-operate and attend yearly appraisal and supervision. • Ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the people you support and your colleagues. • Embrace teamwork by ensuring effective and open communication for the benefit of the people we support • Drive a mobility car/people carrier if you are qualified to do so. • Undertake any other appropriate duties as required by the person(s) that you are paid to support or manage and that are appropriate to your grade. • Perform all duties by the organisation’s policies and procedures. • Be flexible to ensure that people are supported in a wide range of activities including bank holidays, weekends, and evenings • Maintain the confidentiality of the people we always support • Work alternate weekends to ensure staff always have access to effective leadership. • Participate in night shifts as required. This job description may be subject to review and change in consultation with the post holder. This is not an exhaustive list of duties, and you may be required to undertake any tasks relevant to your role and level of skills and competency