Main purpose of the role
Members of the Board of Trustees are responsible for the overall governance of the charity. This means making sure that systems and processes are in place to deliver:
* strategic direction, oversight and supervision
* compliance with legal and other duties
* financial viability
The day-to-day operational management of the charity is carried out by the Senior Staff Team under the leadership of the charity Director.
Position in Feeding Bristol
Reports to: Chair of the Board of Trustees
Main relationships: Other Trustees, and senior staff.
Treasurer role
* Work with the charity Director and Trustees to oversee financial matters.
* Liaise with the other Trustees regarding financial matters.
* Scrutinise and approve annual budgets, forecasts and cashflows produced by the charity Director, for presentation to the board as and when necessary.
* Work with the charity Director to prepare finance reports for Trustee meetings.
* Work with the charity Director and Chair of the Board to oversee the annual accounts audit.
Treasurer skills and qualifications
* A financial qualification in accountancy and/or considerable experience as a Treasurer for a charity or social enterprise.
* The ability to make presentations and recommendations.
* The ability to work effectively as part of a team.
* The ability to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences.
* Clear communicator with the ability to bring financial information alive to non-finance specialists.
Duties and responsibilities
* Be familiar with the objectives of the charity, uphold its purpose and values.
* Attend Trustee meetings and read the relevant papers in advance.
* Contribute constructively to Trustee business in service of the charity’s best interests.
* Provide advice and support to the charity Director and the chair as required.
* Attend other meetings and events as appropriate.
* Be supportive and constructive in all dealings with the charity’s staff.
* Maintain clear and timely communication with the charity Director and the chair.
* Liaise with the chair to resolve any issues that may arise.
* Be an enthusiastic and committed ambassador for Feeding Bristol and its key objectives as a Charity.
* Develop clear and open methods of communication with other Trustee members.
* Take responsibility for managing your own health and stress levels and help others do the same.
* Ensure activities meet with and integrate with Feeding Bristol’s requirements for quality management, confidentiality, health and safety, legal requirements, environmental policies and general duty of care.
* Value diversity within the organisation, amongst its members and partners, treating everyone with dignity and respect at all times.
Personal skills and qualities
* Willingness and ability to understand and accept your responsibilities and liabilities as a trustee and to act in the best interests of the organisation.
* Ability to think creatively and strategically, exercise good, independent judgement and work effectively as a board member.
* Effective communication skills and willingness to participate actively in discussion.
* A strong personal commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.
* Enthusiasm for our vision and mission.
* Willingness to lead according to our values.
* Commitment to Nolan’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
Legislative responsibilities
* Take a proactive approach to financial probity, health and safety, confidentiality, and potential or actual conflicts of interest, in order to meet policy and legal requirements.
Terms and conditions
The role of a Trustee is unpaid, and each term lasts for 3 years. Each Trustee may serve a maximum of 3 terms. Each Trustee will be expected to serve on at least the following sub-groups:
* HR, governance and policies.
* Finance, fundraising and remuneration.
Trustees should not miss more than 3 consecutive Board meetings unless due to exceptional circumstances.