Professional Ensure adherence to the NMC Code of Professional Conduct at all times. Is accountable for the deployment of staff and the co-ordination of activity within the Critical Care Unit. Is responsible for the supervision of nursing staff and other members of the multidisciplinary team within the Critical Care Unit. Has continuing responsibility, in the absence of the Modern Matron, for the assessment of patient needs and for the development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care ensuring best practice at all times. Promotes a learning environment and, in consultation with the practice educator and other practitioners plans relevant education programmes to meet the needs of the Critical Care Unit and the individual. Maintains a contemporary knowledge of current trends in the care of the critically ill patient. Maintains a professional portfolio and manages own professional development independently. Is committed to an ethos of life long learning. Demonstrates insight and understanding of how own actions and behaviour can impact on other people and working environment. Clinical Demonstrates expert knowledge and skills in the management of the complex and changing health care needs of the critically ill patient, integrating theory and practice. Acts as a credible clinical role model Practices as a professional senior nurse with confidence, authority and expertise Takes responsibility for all aspects of care for the patient and his/her family. Takes responsibility for the deployment of staff within the unit ensuring a safe environment and acceptable standards of care. Provides evidence based clinical nursing expertise to all staff. Actively investigates advanced theoretical knowledge and demonstrates research based practice. Takes responsibility for the management of patients nursed within the Critical care Unit. Supervises the planning and delivery of patient care ensuring patient safety at all times. Ensures the implementation of best practice for standards of care. Monitors and audits agreed standards and nursing practice. Ensures effective communication between all members of the multi-disciplinary team.Management Participates in the recruitment and appointment of staff. Is responsible for the orientation of new staff and regularly monitor staff performance. Acts as a team leader and ensures effective communication within that team. Directly supports and facilitates team project work and research and contributes to practice development. Develops and maintains good working relationships with all disciplines to ensure the safety of patients, their relatives, and staff. Facilitates feedback to individuals through performance review and clinical supervision to fulfil individual and unit needs. Participates in the Band 7 duty rota as Duty Sister / Charge Nurse for Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust. Demonstrates responsibility for the safe custody of drugs and maintains records in accordance with legal requirements Actively participates in relevant Critical Care / NGH Trust initiatives / projects and takes responsibility for co-ordinating their development, implementation and evaluation within Critical Care. Personnel Has a broad knowledge of the Health and Safety at Work Act, the COSHH report, Working Time Regulations, Clinical Governance, Risk Management, and the Policies of the Trust. Supports the Ward Manager at all times. Ensures all staffs are conversant with emergency procedures. Facilitates and monitors compliance of nursing staff within own team with statutory and Trust mandatory training. At all times ensures that ones own actions support and promote equality, diversity and the rights of patients, public and colleagues. OTHER INFORMATION The post holder may be required to carry out other relevant duties as required.The post holder will be expected to aspire to the Values of the Trust in their day to day work and behaviours in order to support the Trust in achieving its vision.The post holder will adhere to, at all times, any Professional, NHS Code of Conducts and legislation relevant for their area of work.The post holder will make themselves familiar with, and adhere to, at all times, the policies and procedures of the Trust, and their area of work.The post holder will be expected to work to any Corporate/Division/Directorate/Department objectives and standards in order to provide an acceptable level of service. The post holder will be expected to undertake training, including mandatory and role specific training, relevant to their role and ensure it is renewed as required. Includes ALS training