The role of House Coordinator is to be responsible for day-to-day problem solving, act as the central point of contact and support the House Manager to ensure the smooth running of the House. As the House Coordinator you will have direct contact with children and their families, often when they are in a very difficult position. This role, therefore, requires a level of empathy and the ability to communicate effectively in challenging emotional situations which is not expected of all administrative roles across the organisation. Office Administration Organise the paperwork for all admissions and discharges. Support the filing of medical notes, ensuring care plans are in good order and meet regulatory compliance requirements and/ or quality standards. Collate, prepare and archive all notes, documents and care plans of discharged children. Assist the house team with their typing, filing and office management. Type-up staff Personal Development Reviews; review reports; care plans; and letters etc., as requested by the teams, whilst maintaining confidentiality at all times. Ensure that meetings are arranged and administered proficiently and that appropriate minutes are taken and disseminated, in a timely manner. Act as the first point of contact for general enquiries (both internal and external) received on a day to day basis. Assist in the production of the duty rota on the Staff Care system, ensuring it is communicated to all parties, as requested. Produce information and data from the Staff Care computerised rota system, as requested by the House Managers. In conjunction with the House Managers, monitor staff sickness absence and arrange reviews as required. Check and amend SMI rotas accurately, and regularly, to enable the House Managers to close rotas for staff to sign off their electronic timesheets. Check any manual timesheets are correct prior to authorisation by the House Managers. Coordinate bank and agency staff in Staff Co-ordinators absence, in liaison with House Managers/Deputies/Team Leader/Shift leader. Complete weekly absence returns and produce required information/ data from the Staff Care computerised system, as requested by the House Managers. Update annual leave records in liaison with the House Managers. Train new staff on in-house IT systems and office procedures within the first week of staff induction and help them to complete all relevant online training withing the first few weeks of their employment. Co-ordinate team days and support team training events. Add new starters to our SMI staff care system, carrying out training in the use of SMI for their off/shift requests and timesheet signoff. Update the ICRS system (Integrated Child Records System). Update staff supervision records. Coordinate the Team Day Agenda and book facilitators as necessary. In the house managers absence, coordinate with the shift leader about the day-to-day staffing on house, allocations and making decisions on bank and agency staff requirements with the Staff Coordinator and ensuring that the diary is up to date with current staffing figures. Coordinate with the training team to keep compliance for training figures on your house at the required standard. Book staff onto training sessions through the access training reporting system adding training dates to the SMI staff rota. Coordinate with the clinical staff member to ensure all internal and external medical equipment is ordered and up to a safe stock level. Competencies ensure paperwork is scanned for staff and add the information to their SMI record. Policy of the Month print and ensure all staff read and sign. Induction Fire Checklist ensure new staff receive training and keep records of Emergency Procedures update. Petty Cash keep records up to date, organise monies for childrens birthday parties, outings and staff expenses. Liaise with the Help Desks to arrange deep cleans maintenance of equipment and redecorating or rooms as required. Organise transport for staff to attend hospital when a child has been admitted. Attend training meetings on a quarterly basis. Photocopy childrens and young peoples paperwork for solicitors to use in ongoing legal cases. Attend training relevant to your role and complete mandatory training every year. Book transport for children to attend off site appointments, as required, with the helpdesk coordinator and transport manager. Place orders for any required equipment and/or resources for the children and young people, as deemed necessary. Organise and book visitors to site, as well as virtual meetings. Meet, greet and maintain good relationships with parents, staff, volunteers and visitors. Organise parking for visitors with reception. Liaise with families and the accommodation team for parent accommodation to be organised. Arrange appointments directly with hospitals and ensure parents/social workers are informed. Contact parents/carers/social workers with onsite appointments on behalf of doctors admin staff. To undertake other or additional duties that are within your skills and abilities, as the organisation may reasonably require from time to time.