In this role you will be responsible for: Supporting the Clinical Team Lead to deliver flexible, responsive, patient-led, outstanding care to people in their own homes Agreed aspects of service leadership Carrying an appropriate clinical caseload and using expertise to guide and support others in the management of complex palliative care needs In the absence of the Clinical Team Lead, taking responsibility for the operational leadership of the service. This may include some support via telephone out of hours Specific, delegated aspects of leadership within the Community Palliative Care Service and at organisational level where appropriate, such as: Leading team meetings,Managing recruitment and supporting induction, Managing staff rostering Representing the team at hospice meetings where required Contributing to the governance and monitoring of our services through compliance with and involvement in the development and review of clinical policies, protocols and guidelines, and the design and delivery of audit The line management of specific members of the Community Palliative Care Service Role modelling excellence through your own approach to clinical caseload management, professional development and staff support Carrying an appropriate clinical caseload that supports the overall capacity of the team, including the Duty Role, balancing this with leadership responsibilities Directly managing the care of your own caseload, assessing complex, specialist palliative care needs, planning and implementing individualised programmes of care and evaluating effectiveness, impact and outcomes with the patient, those close to them and other key colleagues involved in the patients care Promoting an environment and culture where patient led, individualised care is central to our way of working Supporting the team to develop their skills of enquiry in order that we always look for ways to develop and improve services to achieve the best outcomes Promoting and facilitating effective multidisciplinary working within the hospice and with colleagues in primary and secondary care to ensure patients receive coordinated and seamless care Working with the team to define and agree standards of nursing care and practice to ensure our care is always safe Maintaining accurate and contemporaneous records of care in line with policy and legal requirements Ensuring confidentiality is maintained at all times Supporting the team to understand their role in safeguarding, including recognising issues, reporting concerns and being involved in investigations Supporting staff to report concerns, incidents, learning points, issues for awareness and safeguarding concerns. Developing action and learning points and investigating where required Acting always to promote and facilitate outstanding care for patients and their families, and to receive and to listen to their feedback As a senior nurse, to be central to the facilitation of learning and development Providing mentorship and supervision to designated staff as required Your own continued professional development and ensuring you are updated on current research, clinical practice and professional matters Ensuring that you follow good infection control practice at all times and that you are familiar with infection control policies, procedures, and guidance relevant to your area of work Understanding your role in the safeguarding of adults and children by being able to identify risks, and recognise signs of harm, abuse or neglect including how to report concerns and take immediate action to protect a person at risk of harm or abuse