Job overview
A post to develop specific specialist knowledge, skills and practice in Occupational Health (OH), with training, support and supervision by the OH Nurse Specialists as required.
Support and contribute to the effective provision of a high-quality Occupational Health Service to the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) and its contracted organisations.
The post holder will be expected to work within any NEAS NHS Trust premises and will be expected to transfer flexibly between workplace sites as necessary to meet service requirements. In delivering OH services, the post-holder may be required to work an occasional evening or weekend to meet service needs.
Main duties of the job
To develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to be responsible for, and manage a wide range of OH nurse activities as follows:
1. Providing OH advice
2. Screening Workplace Health Questionnaires
3. Referral assessment
4. Management of Contamination incidents from Bodily Fluid Exposure
5. Management and Control of Certain Illnesses and Infections
6. Health Surveillance Programmes
7. Occupational Health Clinics
8. Counselling