Salary Range: M1 to M9 (£31,650 - £49,084)
plus SEN Allowance (£5,285, or £2,679 for ECT)
Rumworth School is a highly regarded Local Education Authority maintained special school in Bolton with an excellent reputation for providing an outstanding provision for all students. Visitors to our school always comment on the “lovely feeling and buzz” and the calm & purposeful learning environment. We currently cater for a range of learning difficulties and additional needs for 340 students, with a planned building expansion programme to offer 400 places. Our students are aged 11-19 and they all have an EHCP because they have a range of SEND which may include: Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties, Complex Needs, Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Hearing and Visual Impairment, Physical Disability and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs. What our students most definitely do all have is a wonderful sense of fun, a love of learning, a high regard for each other and the adults who work with them, and they can’t wait to meet you!
We are seeking to recruit an exceptional and innovative permanent primary trained General Teacher to join our staff as a form teacher in KS3. As we have a degree of internal flexibility within our talented Faculty teams, please outline in your letter of application the specialist subjects that you are most keen to offer, together with an indication of the ages and SEND needs that your skills and experience would be most suited to. All form teachers are part of a strong pastoral structure and teach their form class for some of their timetable. We then have five Faculties which are English, Maths, Science & Technology, Arts & Humanities, and Preparation for Adulthood which incorporates Sport & Active Leisure, DofE plus subjects that contribute towards Employability & Independence. This post is payable at M1 to M9, dependent upon your experience, together with an annual SEN allowance of £5,285 (£2,679 for an ECT).
Our ethos is “Start with the young person” therefore you will be a champion for education as the vehicle to improve the life chances and outcomes for our students. Our vision is “You can do it, we will help” - in order to meet the needs of our students, we do have small teaching group sizes and high adult to student ratios. As a form teacher within Key Stage 3, you will embody our philosophy of supporting young people to be more “Confident, Resilient and Independent” through our rich offer of wider life experiences and activities.
Year 7 operates as a “Foundation Year” where students have a more class-based transition from their primary school with the Year 7 team delivering the majority of learning. Year 7 students also access specialist rooms including our dedicated Science laboratories, and they are taught by specialist subject teachers for lessons such as Science, Design Technology, Forest School, Art, Music, PE and ICT.
Students in Years 8 to 11 then follow a differentiated curriculum model, according to their needs:
* Some follow a more formal curriculum with a modified mainstream approach
* Some have less transition and spend more time on the consolidation of basic skills in a based class
All students access appropriate external accreditation at the end of KS4 and during KS5, and our full accreditation offer includes GCSEs, ASDAN, BTEC, Functional Skills and Entry Level Certification, dependent upon subject and student ability. In KS5, students continue to follow the most suitable curriculum for their ability. We offer a Year 14 Transition where some students continue on to the “Pathway to Employment” route, and those with SLD and complex needs would usually follow a “Pathway to Independence” route.
We are always keen to recruit staff of the highest calibre, and what matters most to us is that you are the “right fit” for our students and our staff. We welcome applications from teachers with relevant primary or secondary training & experience, as well as those with SEND experience.
Visits to our school:
Visits are strongly recommended prior to application, as this is helpful when tailoring a letter of application in order to evidence how you best meet the selection criteria. Please do not send a generic letter or a CV with your application.
Please contact our School Office on 01204 333600 in order to arrange a visit.
How to apply:
Please download and complete the application form and outline your suitability for this post at Rumworth School in your letter of application, within a maximum of two sides of A4 paper.
Closing date: 9:00am on Wednesday 8 th January 2025
Shortlisting: Thursday 9 th January 2025
Shortlisted candidates to be informed by 4:00 pm on Thursday 9 th January 2025
Interview Date: Monday 13 th January 2025, timings to be confirmed
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, therefore as part of our Safer Recruitment process, references will be requested for all shortlisted applicants. Appointments are also subject to the outcome of an enhanced DBS check.