A Vacancy at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust is offering the opportunity for qualified nurses and midwives who are interested in becoming a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (School Nurse).
There are a number of available training places. Fully funded fees and salary will be paid at Band 5 Agenda for Change (maximum pay will be mid-point band 5). The School Nurse career path offers lots of opportunities to progress to management, leadership, academic, corporate, public health, health promotion and many more with salaries ranging from Agenda for Change bands 6 to 8.
Applications will be accepted until 9th April, 2025 for the training programme beginning in September 2025 with Kings College London
Application Process
There are two stages to the recruitment process:
Stage 1- Submit a written application:Application Closing Date 9th April 2025.
Stage 2 –Interview dates to be confirmed.This will include a short presentation and a 1:1 interview. Candidates for interviewwill be asked to provide evidence of GCSE level Literacy/Numeracy A-C.
Interviews will take place last week of April and first week of May 2025
Closing Date: 9th April 2025
Interview Date: 28th April 2025
The fundamental responsibilities of the post holder are to attain the academic credentials and the clinical skills required to practice as a NMC registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse on a defined pathway. These are summarised below:
• To fulfil the requirements of the Specialist Community Practitioner programme by attending university course dates and practice placement days in accordance with University regulations and successful completion of the course
• To work with the Specialist Community Practice Teacher to develop the skills and competencies to achieve NMC Registration Standards for Specialist Community Practice
• With the support of the Specialist Community Practice Teacher to link the theoretical knowledge gained through the university programme to the practice situation
• To demonstrate an understanding of current and emerging national, regional and local healthcare legislation, policies and guidelines as they pertain to chosen pathway
• To develop/build on skills of caseload and team leadership and management
• To work within university regulations pertaining to academic work and student conduct
• To work within employing organisation policies as they pertain to the relevant clinical setting
• To work within employing organisation policies relating to employee responsibilities.
The Evelina School Nursing team provides a service to children in reception class up until their 19th birthday, across the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark. School nurses work in teams and are based in community health centres.
As a School Nurse, you can make a real difference to children, families and communities. You will play a fundamental role in the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme, promoting positive parenting and child development, safeguarding children, preventing social exclusion and deprivation and tackling other important public health issues. Every day is different working as a School Nurse with various responsibilities which include: school visits, health needs assessments for children and young people, health education and promotion, safeguarding, promoting uptake of childhood immunisations and supporting schools with management of a range of health conditions.
With established Agile Working in place, School Nurses work flexibly in schools and the wider community as a crucial part of the healthcare team. It is a diverse role which involves being part of a wider team that provides you with support as you work to reduce inequalities and improve the health outcomes of children and young people.
Choosing GSTT as your sponsor affords you opportunities to be part of King’s Health Partners, Royal Brompton Hospital and Evelina London Children Hospital where services recognise the value of sharing expertise between the community and acute.
The post of Specialist Community Practitioner Sponsorship Student is a development post building on existing knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve a higher level of practice resulting in an academic qualification as well as a recordable/registerable qualification with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
You will work towards gaining the standards of proficiency for entry to the NMC register as Specialist Community Public Health Nurse Practitioner in School Nursing.
Main duties and responsibilities:
The fundamental responsibilities of the post holder are to attain the academic credentials and the clinical skills required to practice as a NMC registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse on a defined pathway. These are summarised below:
• To fulfil the requirements of the Specialist Community Practitioner programme by attending university course dates and practice placement days in accordance with University regulations and successful completion of the course
• To work with the Specialist Community Practice Teacher to develop the skills and competencies to achieve NMC Registration Standards for Specialist Community Practice
• With the support of the Specialist Community Practice Teacher to link the theoretical knowledge gained through the university programme to the practice situation
• To demonstrate an understanding of current and emerging national, regional and local healthcare legislation, policies and guidelines as they pertain to chosen pathway
• To develop/build on skills of caseload and team leadership and management
• To work within university regulations pertaining to academic work and student conduct
• To work within employing organisation policies as they pertain to the relevant clinical setting
• To work within employing organisation policies relating to employee responsibilities.
Confidentiality / Data Protection / Freedom of Information
Post holders must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other health service business in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Post holders must not, without prior permission, disclose any information regarding patients or staff. If any member of staff has communicated any such information to an unauthorised person the staff will be liable to dismissal. Moreover, the Data Protection Act 1998 also renders an individual liable for prosecution in the event of unauthorised disclosure of information.
Following the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2005, post holders must apply the Trust’s FOI procedure if they receive a written request for information.
Information Governance
All staff must comply with information governance requirements. These includes statutory responsibilities (such as compliance with the Data Protection Act), following national guidance (such as the NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice) and compliance with local policies and procedures (such as the Trust's Confidentiality policy). Staff are responsible for any personal information (belonging to staff or patients) that they access and must ensure it is stored, processed and forwarded in a secure and appropriate manner.
The post holder will be required to work across borough boundaries, accessing and recording information using mobile devices, and coming into offices for meetings or specific events. The post holder must use Skyguard and other personal protective equipment as determined by the service to ensure safety in general and to protect lone workers in particular.
Equal Opportunities
Post holders must at all times fulfil their responsibilities with regard to the Trust’s Equal Opportunities Policy and equality laws.
Health and Safety
All post holders have a responsibility, under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and subsequently published regulations, to ensure that the Trust’s health and safety policies and procedures are complied with to maintain a safe working environment for patients, visitors and employees.
Infection Control
All post holders have a personal obligation to act to reduce healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). They must attend mandatory training in Infection Control and be compliant with all measures required by the Trust to reduce HCAIs. All post holders must comply with Trust infection screening and immunisation policiesas well as be familiar with the Trust’s Infection Control Policies, including those that apply to their duties, such as Hand Decontamination Policy, Personal Protective Equipment Policy, safe procedures for using aseptic techniques and safe disposal of sharps.
Risk Management
All post holders have a responsibility to report risks such as clinical and non-clinical accidents or incidents promptly. They are expected to be familiar with the Trust’s use of risk assessments to predict and control risk, as well as the incident reporting system for learning from mistakes and near misses in order to improve services. Post holders must also attend training identified by their manager, or stated by the Trust to be mandatory.
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Post holders have a general responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific duties relating to their role.
It is the responsibility of all staff to minimise the Trust’s environmental impact by recycling wherever possible, switching off lights, computers monitors and equipment when not in use, minimising water usage and reporting faults promptly.
Smoking Policy
It is the Trust’s policy to promote health. Smoking, therefore, is actively discouraged. It is illegal within Trust buildings and vehicles.
This advert closes on Wednesday 9 Apr 2025