Interpersonal and Communication Skills
The post holder must have well-developed listening and communication skills and be able to deal effectively with a wide range of clinicians, managers, and professionals both within and outside the Trust.
The post holder must have well-developed presentational skills, good report writing skills, and make effective use of presentation aids.
Human Resources
Develop and maintain a positive, focused, and patient-led team culture.
Manage the performance of staff through coaching and mentoring to enhance their potential and take action to improve poor performance when necessary.
Conduct individual annual appraisals against objectives aligned to Job Plan.
Review job descriptions regularly to reflect changes to roles.
Ensure that all staff effectively manage the Trust HR policies and practices and employment legislation.
Planning and Organising
Support the development of a culture of continuous improvement by developing and contributing to service developments and formulating business cases to support these.
Effectively plan, communicate, and execute change.
Analysis and Data Management
Develop methods to collect, collate, and evaluate quantitative and qualitative data relevant to service delivery.
Ensure that record keeping meets the requirements of all information governance and professional standards.
Provide accurate analysis and interpretation of clinical documents, national government policy guidance, and other sources of information in the development of the division's aims and objectives. Respond to complaints according to the Trust protocols and within the appropriate time-frame.
Equality and Diversity
Ensure the implementation of equality and diversity policy in relation to the management and development of staff in the division.
Actively promote the equality and diversity policies of the Trust.
Continuing Medical Education
The Trust fully supports the requirement for Continuing Medical Education by the relevant Royal College and acknowledges that it is an essential component of a consultant's professional activities that will be reviewed during the appraisal process and revalidation. Time and financial support will be granted in accordance with the Trust's Leave Policy.