Plymouth Oncology Centre treats ~1700 patients p.a. using highly specialized equipment with a current value~£4M. The Treatment Management System (2 servers + 25 workstations) records and verifies ~25,000 treatment attendances p.a. The Department is composed of 10 Consultants, 6 Specialist Registrars, 28Radiographers, 1 Assistant Practitioner, 1 Radiotherapy Helper,1 CT Assistant and 4Administration Support Officers providing a comprehensive service to cancer patients A Linear Accelerator workload is 30-35 patients a day, depending on the complexity of the set-up. The CT workload is 10 -11 new patients a day. The Liaison workload for patient review is 110-120 patients on average a week, plus other associate activities taking the average to 140-150 a week. The Stereotactic Radio surgery Unit serves a population of 4 million