Are you looking for an opportunity to use your accountancy skills and knowledge to help others and gain new experiences? Age UK Norfolk is a local independent Norfolk charity with over 75 year's experience of providing much needed services to older people across the county of Norfolk.
We are seeking an Honorary Treasurer to join our Board of Trustees, with specific focus on our financial performance and scrutiny, chairing our Finance Sub-Committee, and supporting the Board of Trustees to agree the strategic direction of the charity and monitor delivery by the staff team of agreed plans.
The role is voluntary for a period of 4 years, renewable for a further term. We are specifically looking for a qualified accountant, preferably with experience of charity finance. Your commitment would be 8-10 meetings per year, with our Finance Sub-Committee meeting quarterly prior to our Board Meetings, and ad-hoc trustee meetings arranged as required. Face to Face meetings are held at our Head Office on the outskirts of Norwich.
We welcome applications from all sections of the community to help us achieve a diverse trustee board that reflects our clients and communities. We also welcome applications from existing charity trustees and from those for which this would be a first trustee appointment.
If you are interested in this exciting role please contact: