The Children and Young People’s Service provide services which follow from specific legislation, including the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004 as well as other Government guidance and policy. We are committed to providing good quality services to support children young people and their families.
The post holder will operate in an environment of transformational change and innovation, be able to manage change in a time of financial constraints and have the confidence to promote the voice of children and young people in both the delivery and development of services. Other key requirements are: -
• To have a commitment to shared values and the common purpose of developing a culture of interagency working; including statutory bodies, third and private sector organisations.
• To ensure that strategic visions are translated into local plans in collaboration with professionals, partners and service users.
• To be able to undertake the duties of the role within a very rural environment which will include regular travelling to meeting venues some of which may be in isolated rural settings
• To be able to provide the service in accordance with the needs of children and young people which may involve working outside normal office hours.
• Enhanced DBS and registration with the regulator Social Work England (SWE) required.
Job Specifics
The core and focus of the IRO role is to ensure that timely and effective plans are made to meet the needs of children and young people in need of care and protection; to ensure that their wishes and feelings are taken account in planning and decision making, in order that all children and young people are able to reach their full potential.
The post holder will chair looked after children’s meetings and act as independent chairperson for child protection conferences as well as undertaking reviews of Foster Carers and other duties commensurate with the role. A key function of the role is to ensure that the plans for children and young people in need of care and protection are effective and progressing at a speed that is appropriate to the child.
The post holder will monitor the progress of the child’s plan and hold the Local Authority and partners to account, ensuring that social work practice and conduct of the case is good, therefore challenge poor practice; ensure plans are SMART; Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely; inclusive of the needs, views and wishes of the child. Where this is not the case, the post holder will ensure that the escalation process to resolve this is instigated in discussion with the IRO team manager in line with the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010.
The post holder will contribute to the improvement and quality assurances of outcomes for Looked After Children by undertaking reviews of Foster Carers and contributing to monitoring and reporting with regard to the quality of the North Yorkshire County Council placement provision to ensure that services inspected comply with relevant regulations and National Minimum Standards; and chair other complex meetings commensurate with the role as required.