Safeguarding Webinar for Governors, Heads and Proprietors [Pre-Recorded Webinar]
A comprehensive webinar designed to empower governors with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement safeguarding strategies in line with KCSIE guidelines. Gain insights, practical tools, and confidence to ensure your school’s compliance and promote a safe, nurturing learning environment for all.
This webinar aims to equip governors with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that their schools’ safeguarding arrangements comply with all relevant legislation. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the duties and responsibilities of governing bodies in this regard, and how to implement effective policies and procedures to maintain a safe and secure environment for all students.
Through this informative session, governors will be able to explore the key elements of KCSIE guidelines, including updated legislation. They will gain a deeper understanding of key issues within safeguarding, concerns and allegations, and the role that they play in ensuring safe and effective safeguarding practice.
Participants will leave this course with a detailed understanding of how to effectively govern safeguarding arrangements in their schools and ensure they remain compliant with all relevant laws and guidelines. By attending this session, governors will be better equipped to protect the welfare and wellbeing of their students and foster a culture of safety and security throughout their school community.
For more information, contact us here or call us on 0121 366 9950 and ask for a member of the safeguarding team.
About the Adviser
Lucie Welch has worked in the field of Primary Education for the last 15 years, holding the positions of Assistant Head of School, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Attendance Lead, and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. Through working across several local authorities and within multi-academy trusts, Lucie has garnered a passion for safeguarding and supporting children and young people to enable them to thrive.
At Services For Education, Lucie is an integral part of the Safeguarding team, sharing her expertise with schools, colleges, trusts, and other educational settings across Birmingham and beyond. Dedicated to improving safeguarding practices in an actionable and impactful way, Lucie works closely with settings to provide bespoke training, supports with reflection on their own practices during Safeguarding audits, and always strives to contribute to a better learning environment for all children. Through delivery of statutory training for DSLs and Safer Recruitment, Lucie works with colleagues in all age ranges and is a source of expertise within these areas.