MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Responsibility for People Management To be involved in the continued development of the PSW training programme and in the ongoing evaluation of the PWP role. To participate in and support students learning along with other members of the team. 5.2 Responsibility for financial and/or physical resources The post holder will have no direct responsibility for finance; however they will adhere to relevant LWSW policies on financial issues. The post holder will use Livewell resources in a sustainable way. To have a knowledge and understanding of counter fraud. 5.3 Responsibility for administration To plan own diary and maintain accurate records of all activity Maintain up to date electronic records in a timely and accurate manner Maintain confidentiality of information being aware of LWSW policies and local protocols and keeping up-to-date with changes. To regularly access email and other information through Livewell SouthWest Intranet. 5.4 Responsibility for people who use our services The PSW will work with a number of service users on a 1:1 or group basis The post holder will form and maintain supportive relationships with service users The post holder will promote better mental health by acting as a suitable role model. The post holder will accompany service users to appointments with agencies across the pathway, SORT, Third sector agencies to undertake a number of practical tasks, aligned to recovery goals. To attend meetings and other formal/informal communication events linked to the work of the team, as directed by team manager. To liaise appropriately with other agencies as part of supporting the delivery of care. The post holder will share ideas about ways of achieving recovery goals, drawing on personal experience and a range of coping, self-help and self-management techniques. To assist others to create their own recovery plans, make and record advanced decisions. To support patients to identify and overcome fears within a relationship of empathy and trust. To model personal responsibility, self-awareness, self-belief, self-advocacy and hopefulness. To monitor mental health of service users and report changes to qualified staff so that the care plan can be kept fully up to date. Be aware of fluctuations in mental health. To work with service users and carers to work towards recovery. Encourage social/physical activities as identified within the care plan. Promote independence and recovery Be able to respond effectively to any concerns of abuse and know procedures they need to follow to escalate their concerns. To participate in, support and maintain positive interventions and planned activity programmes to improve the persons quality of life. To record contacts, interventions and observations on the electronic record systems. 5.5 Responsibility for implementation of policy and/or service developments To abide by the PSW code of conduct ,so that the central focus of work, inspiring recover, is not compromised in any way. To comply with Livewell southwest policies and procedures relevant to the role. To report any observed incident of unprofessional behaviour, accidents/incidents, untoward occurrences or faulty equipment. To participate professionally in service development and proposed service changes To take part in any audit processes as required. Comply with universal infection control precautions and procedures. To complete all Mandatory training and other training pertinent to the role, as agreed by line manager. 5.6 Other Responsibilities The post holder will be aware of and work within their own limits, and competencies Be punctual for work and conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with Livewell policies 6. COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS The post holder will sign-post to various resources, opportunities and activities within LWSW and third sector agencies To act as an ambassador for Livewell with external agencies and partner organisations. To support the team in promoting a recovery orientated environment by identifying recovery focused activities and imparting information and education as required. 7. PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF THE JOB The post holder must be able move across Plymouth as part of their community work, The post holder will be competent in computer skills 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ALL POSTS The post holder is required to comply with all relevant policies and procedures pertinent to their post. Current versions can be found on the intranet or via your manager. The areas listed below are those Livewell Southwest currently places particular emphasis on. Failure to follow correct policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action. 8.1 Risk Management In accordance with the Risk Management Strategy, employees will participate, whenever required, with the risk management process. They will support line managers by attending mandatory and statutory training, completing incident/accident forms for every adverse event or near miss that occurs, report all defects and complaints, and communicate any dangerous situation to individuals potentially at risk. 8.2 Health and Safety at Work You must co-operate with those in authority and others in meeting the statutory requirements and in following policies and procedures. A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available from the intranet or from the Risk Management Department. You are reminded that in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 you have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others affected by your work activities. You will be notified where your post carries a requirement for immunisation. You may be required to be able to undertake physical intervention training and participate in physical intervention as part of a physical intervention team and Basic Life Support (BLS). 8.3 Infection Control Livewell Southwest is determined to eradicate healthcare-acquired infection and puts a great deal of emphasis on the responsibility of all staff to ensure their own personal and others compliance with Infection Control (including Hand Washing) Policies. All staff must comply with infection control policies and guidance, attend relevant updates and report issues of concern to their immediate line manager (if no action or explanation received, then it is the individuals responsibility to escalate their concerns to the Director of Operations or Chief Executives Office). 8.4 Safeguarding Children and Adults All employees have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults and are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards their health and wellbeing. Familiarisation with and adherence to national and local safeguarding adults and children policies is an essential requirement upon all employees. Livewell Southwest has specific safeguarding policies and in addition, employees also have a responsibility to practice and work within the multi-agency policy developed by the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Board. Staff are also required to participate in related mandatory/statutory training. 8.5 Research For clinical posts at bands 5 and 6, there is an expectation that engagement in research will be part of this role. Therefore, an awareness of the value and relevance of research is expected and the post holder should either support existing research within their specialty area as appropriate or identify opportunities to raise awareness of research possibilities. For clinical posts at band 7 and above, the post holder will be required to actively participate in complex audits using research methodology, or participate as required in clinical trials or equipment testing, and will demonstrate high level involvement in local ongoing research projects. 8.6 Sustainability and climate change All staff are expected to take responsibility for the reduction of carbon emissions within their area of the organisation. In particular this may relate to reducing energy consumption, making low carbon travel choices, consideration of goods and services being purchased, and waste reduction. 8.7 Other This Job Description is not exhaustive and may change as the post develops, but such change will not take place without consultation between the post holder and their manager. Job descriptions should be reviewed at least annually at the appraisal meeting. The Working Time Regulations apply to all employees of Livewell Southwest. In particular, Livewell Southwest will not permit staff in all employments to work in excess of 48 hours in any one week except where there are exceptional service needs where an absolute limit of averaging over a reference period of 17 weeks would apply. Livewell Southwest has adopted NO SMOKING and NO ALCOHOL policies for staff, which applies to all posts. Details of the policy are available on request and will be included in the statement of main terms and conditions of service of staff appointed.